Example sentences of "order [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Further information may be obtained from and orders placed with the Hon.
2 The level of orders received in the first quarter worsened compared with a year earlier , but turnover in the first quarter was up to the high levels of the year-ago quarter .
3 Thereupon the filed documents together with the writ of summons , the acknowledgment of service and any orders made in the High Court ( the " relevant documents " ) are sent by post from the Central Office to the county court to which the action has been transferred .
4 This enables the court to correct errors in orders made by the lower courts .
5 The unexpected reduction in the number of criminal legal aid orders granted over the last few months means that expenditure will in any event be lower than originally expected .
6 There are also clear indications that although the assassinations may have been carried out by low-ranking army officers the orders came from the military high command .
7 He has approved compulsory purchase orders and side roads orders connected with the proposed Rhuddlan bypass , work on which is due to start during the coming year .
8 This was not as easy as they hoped ; they knew that , however much it might disapprove of their activities , the English government certainly had no power to get its orders obeyed on the western side of the Atlantic , but their charter , which they hoped would make them independent of England , and on which they relied for the legal basis of their community , said — like all the other charters — that they must not pass laws that were not consistent with English laws .
9 The weekend announcement that the Saudis are providing a further £1½ billion for orders tied to the vast Al Yamamah programme provided welcome relief for the company and the Government .
10 Many were two-storeyed and followed a custom not familiar in the classical period of Greece in that two orders appeared on the front colonnade , Doric on the ground floor and Ionic above as in the rebuilt Stoa of Attalos II of Pergamon in the agora of Athens ( 38 ) .
11 Orders : 23pc more firms report total orders declined over the past four months than increased .
12 SHADOW Minister Kate Hoey was sacked by Labour leader John Smith today after defying orders to abstain on the latest Maastricht Bill vote .
13 The statement of individual educational need in the case of a child with severe limitation or blindness should give an indication of levels of indoor and outdoor mobility and whether individual mobility instruction will be needed in order to cope with the ordinary school environment .
14 In order to cope with the increased diversity of decision-making required in these circumstances , several companies have introduced a matrix-type of structure , incorporating a number of operational roles , as in Figure 36.5 opposite .
15 There is a necessity for us to behave like this in order to cope with the informational complexity with which we are perpetually faced — we ‘ know ’ something works so we do it , bracketing off the rest of the world until it becomes clear that there is a need to change our basic beliefs .
16 An understanding of the complexities raised in such a case study may become essential in order to cope with the new responsibilities of management committees under the new membership scheme .
17 A dramatic expansion of federal intervention took place , and in order to cope with the new legislation , a special pollution control agency , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) , was established in December 1970 .
18 In the last quarter of the 19th century sections of double track were opened in order to cope with the many freight and passenger trains which used the line , which of course saved many miles between the NW of England and SW Wales .
19 In order to cope with the enormous workload while he was away , extra staff were taken on into the Firm as the newcomers christened it .
20 When they could hold it no longer the Collector shouted the order to retire to the next door : that which led from the drawing-room to the hall and where , several weeks earlier , the Collector had been lurking as he tried to make up his mind to attend the meeting of the Krishnapur Poetry Society .
21 The higher the w ratio , the greater will be the demand for money in order to compensate for the limited marketability of human wealth .
22 And not for Descartes either , who expelled them in order to concentrate on the immediate mechanical causes of natural phenomena .
23 Secondly , the total amount of damages awarded are reduced by any amounts that the defendant is obliged to disgorge under a Commission disgorgement order relating to the same transaction(s) .
24 At the time he reached his last book , Human Knowledge , he had abandoned the claim that you could show that the world could be logically constructed out of sense experiences , and adopted a much more Kantian outlook , in which , while he erm said that all our inferences about the world must begin from sense experiences , all that the philosopher can do , is to make explicit the premises that are required in order to infer from the transitory data of my own experiences to the enduring existence of material things and the much more sophisticated kinds of existence which their minute constituents have .
25 They had to be disposed of quickly to make room in the depôts for the new cars on order to work on the main line .
26 In this tradition the state is perceived as the vehicle by which the unity of the nation should be achieved in order to work for the common good .
27 The notice can in fact be contained in a market counterparty terms of business letter or agreement ; this may be used in order to provide for the various commercial protections the firm may want and the material interest disclosures that may still be needed at law as a result of fiduciary obligations even if ( exactly because the market counterparty is not a customer ) they are not required by the COB Rules .
28 The political implications of Sukenick 's experimentation can be seen clearly in his second novel Out ( 1973 ) , which sets up a journey as structural metaphor in order to comment on the political temper of the late Nixon years .
29 On 26 April 1991 the Bank of England , who have entered the action as interveners pursuant to my order made on the first day of the hearing last Tuesday , served on the defendants a notice pursuant to section 39(3) ( a ) of the Banking Act 1987 , requiring them to produce at Threadneedle Street at noon on 9 May 1991 a number of specified documents ( comprising all or some of the documents covered by the injunction ) and stated to concern or relate to the accounts or related business of seven of the plaintiffs including A , on the ground that they were reasonably required by the Bank of England for the performance of its functions under the Act .
30 The court can , for example , make a residence order that will last until the final hearing but the usual time limits will apply to any interim supervision order made at the same time .
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