Example sentences of "order [verb] [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They have in some cases a weekly or monthly schedule of orders to win but the long-term relationship with their customer is also of great importance and the weight to be put on the two factors at any one time calls for the exercise of judgement .
2 In order to confirm that the ts-1 mutation is still present on this plasmid the Bgl II- Xmn I fragment was purified from a preparative agarose gel and cloned into Bam HI+ Sma I digested pGEM-7Zf(+). ssDNA for sequencing was isolated from this recombinant phagemid and the sequence determined .
3 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
4 I would like to extend his thesis in order to establish that the dramatic playing mode can use both personal and projected activity .
5 The whole point and purpose of authorities , I shall argue below , is to pre-empt individual judgment on the merits of a case , and this will not be achieved if , in order to establish whether the authoritative determination is binding , individuals have to rely on their own judgment of the merits .
6 In order to evaluate whether the enhanced home support of the action scheme was successful in sustaining at home some people who would otherwise have been likely to enter institutional care , it was necessary for the action to take place in a prescribed geographical area , so that an equivalent , matched area could become a control area .
7 By an application dated 18 March 1992 the father applied ex parte for a prohibited steps order preventing the mother from removing the four children from the care and control of the father , a specific issue order directing the mother to return A. to the father 's care and control and not to remove him therefrom and a residence order directing that the four children live with the father and that the mother return A. to the former matrimonial home and into the father 's care , all such orders being sought pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 .
8 Their information requirements would be similar and all oversight bodies should also require financial and related statistical information in order to determine that the particular organization being reviewed has provided value for money .
9 In order to ensure that the Catholic population won at least one of the three seats allocated to Northern Ireland , the whole of the province was treated as one constituency with three members .
10 Accordingly , the concept of matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict must be regarded as an autonomous concept which is to be interpreted , for the application of the Convention , principally by reference to the scheme and objectives of the Convention in order to ensure that the latter is given full effect .
11 the Network member submitting the suggestion has , following approval of the suggestion by the initiating member , contacted the prospective purchaser on behalf of the initiating member in order to ensure that the exclusive sell situation is brought to the attention of the prospective purchaser in an effective and professionally-handled manner .
12 Where , as in many inner-city areas , there is a high turnover of occupancy , I hope that there will be powers to levy the owner in order to ensure that the financial base of local authorities is not undermined .
13 Announcing the move in a Commons written reply , yesterday the Armed Forces Minister , Archie Hamilton , said : ‘ The organisation of army bands has been reviewed in order to ensure that the right numbers of bandsmen , providing music to the high standard expected , are employed in proportion to the army 's total size , and that the important contribution that bands make to the regimental system is retained . ’
14 Rights issues are invariably underwritten in order to ensure that the issuing company receives the additional capital needed .
15 The HWIM system in particular drastically relaxed matching constraints in order to ensure that the correct phoneme or word was not excluded .
16 7.6.2 Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 the Landlord shall as soon as the Permissions have been obtained or immediately where no Permissions are required apply all money received in respect of such insurance ( except sums in respect of loss of Rent ) in rebuilding or reinstating the Premises or the Retained Parts so destroyed or damaged [ making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the money received out of the Landlord 's own money ] It is important to include the words in square brackets in order to ensure that the damaged or destroyed premises are reinstated .
17 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
18 This process is called a Proving of the remedy and strict criteria are laid down in order to ensure that the true action of the remedy is brought out and not any interferences from other sources .
19 British Rail are to remain the employer of the British Transport Police for the immediate future , in order to ensure that the British Transport Police will continue to police the whole of the restructured railway er a an order amending the British Transport Police Force Scheme in nineteen sixty three will be laid before Parliament shortly .
20 He emphasised the fact that , under the Single European Act , some majority voting had been introduced in order to ensure that the single market worked effectively , but that he was very critical of the case being proposed for further extensions of competence , for example in the social field .
21 However , there is no reported case in which this point has been taken by an employer in order to argue that the special approach is not always applicable ; it may be that the special approach is so entrenched in judicial thinking that even an employer who is able to demonstrate that the factual bases for the special approach do not exist in the instant case will not succeed in persuading the court to abandon it .
22 Callinicos is able to set the claims of such postmodern advocates as Charles Jencks and Linda Hutcheon against an analysis of Modernism ( predicated largely on that of Eugene Lunn ) in order to demonstrate that the latter is a good deal more complex in respect of its characteristic conceptions of the subject , expression , reflexion etc , than the former are wont to have it .
23 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
24 The rule is supposed to be something we can use in order to check whether the new sensation is also a pain .
25 It is plastic reinforced , angled in several places ( cranked is a better word ) in order to locate and the fit the pelvis , and looks a bit outlandish .
26 Indeed , more information is required concerning the pattern of excretion of Cryptosporidium and other organisms , in order to investigate whether the chronic diarrhoea in these cases is a result of persistent infection or is a postinfective phenomenon .
27 In their notice of appeal the plaintiffs ask for that order to be set aside and , in its place , for an order declaring that they are entitled to object to items in the accounts , whether litigation costs or non-litigation costs , on the ground that the items are unreasonable in amount , and for an order declaring that the first defendant is not entitled to have its litigation costs taxed on an indemnity basis if and to the extent that the court has deprived the first defendant , as mortgagee , of any costs nor in respect of litigation costs already the subject of an order for taxation on some other basis .
28 Walesa , who attended this session , said afterwards that in order to prove that the new constitution had not been tailor-made for him he would resign as soon as it came into force .
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