Example sentences of "be transformed into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Equinox in Leicester Square might look like a cross between the Hippodrome and Liverpool St station , but it will be transformed into Britain 's biggest fancy dress ball for Kinky Gerlinky on September 28 when the theme is ‘ Sleaze ’ .
2 Tenants were to be transformed into owner-occupiers and thereby be given a property stake in the new society .
3 The most conspicuous of the persistent appendages are the cerci of the 11th segment , which exhibit wide diversity of form and may even be transformed into forceps , as in the Japygidae and the earwigs .
4 A compromise agreement was reached under which a small number of state enterprises would be transformed into share-holding companies on an experimental basis .
5 Practical manual explaining how areas dug for sand and gravel can be transformed into wildlife havens with the addition of such features as trees , islands and marshy areas .
6 The refinery 's 175-hectare site was to be transformed into parkland .
7 An official Soviet spokesman said on June 24 that " the trials must not be transformed into reprisals " .
8 There 's a ship load of dishcloths coming over COD , with a little bit of imagination they can be transformed into fig-leaves .
9 The fuel , dormant and immobile , will now be transformed into heat and light and can never again resume its former state .
10 Note that , if > 0 for all i , j or a constant is added to all payoffs to ensure this result , then for all feasible solutions so LPII* can be transformed into LPII .
11 A liquid asset is one which can be transformed into cash quickly and without loss of value .
12 That proportion of sulphur dioxide not deposited locally will be diffused in the atmosphere and , through oxidation , will be transformed into sulphates .
13 Human resources might be expressed in terms of either since capacities can be transformed into abilities by training .
14 He has managed an astonishing amount of travelling , visiting nine countries in complex manoeuvres , including flights in military aircraft , to put his case and plead for rhetoric to be transformed into action .
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