Example sentences of "be viewed as [art] " in BNC.

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1 If a senior officer were to be viewed as no more than a member of an amorphous managerial team , said Mr Roach , the public would be led to believe that any complaint against a policemen was merely being investigated by ‘ one of the boys .
2 Although in theory Postscript could be viewed as a general purpose programming language , it is strongly biassed towards visual representation .
3 Her adolescent rebellion , seemingly involving immoderate sex and the moderate occult , was clearly supposed to be viewed as a stand against the social codes of her English middle-class tribe .
4 While profit used to be viewed as a sufficient objective in itself , creating benefits for stakeholders is seen as the ultimate objective .
5 Furthermore , they would be viewed as a single entity from a collections point of view .
6 While the General Strike might be viewed as a watershed by some historians who feel that the trade union position worsened considerably after 1926 , this was clearly not the case ; trade unions were less frequently attacked by employers after 1926 than before and the pace of wage reductions slowed considerably .
7 For the people as a whole , therefore , the destruction of the Temple and the exile to Babylon came to be viewed as a dramatic realization of these doom prophecies , and proof of the absolute power of the jealous God Yahweh , and — harnessing these concepts to their own pragmatic ends — the exiles set about ridding themselves of all impurity in an effort to regain his favour .
8 Also , eating is not likely to be viewed as a cardinal sin .
9 These should be viewed as a means to an end , rather than as ends in themselves .
10 Since the Eastern traditions think very much in terms of a single divine power being shared out among many gods , the Christian doctrine of the Trinity could be viewed as a link between this view and the more familiar view of the ‘ Western monotheistic ‘ traditions .
11 If you are involved in a nanny share , depending on the financial arrangements , l it may be viewed as a business even if it does not feel like one !
12 That is especially so when the actor in question can be viewed as a contender for the title of number one in a profession well populated with aggressively chauvinistic egocentrics .
13 The emphasis in Working for patients on services to individual patients , and provisions such as ‘ Life-style consultations ’ in connection with the 1990 Contract for GPs , can be viewed as a reinforcement of the individualistic view of health .
14 Such collective ‘ consumption ’ must be viewed as a cost levied upon current production .
15 The coincidental publication of the Guidance notes on the Code of Professional Conduct during a major test of professional practice can be viewed as a piece of misfortune or as a superb opportunity to affirm the stature of the profession by using the Code to support the Library Association 's case .
16 As events unfolded and the Library Association failed to act it is to be viewed as a piece of misfortune for the Code , and hence the Association and for the profession .
17 So the AP can be viewed as a TP .
18 Eastern Europe does not yet feature strongly in the trusts ' portfolios and according to Amanda Davidson , a partner in independent financial advisers Holden Meehan ( 071–354 2020 ) , it must only be viewed as a very long-term investment .
19 This approach need not replace traditional literary criticism : rather , it should be viewed as a step that may lead naturally , where appropriate , into the development of objective analytical skills as pupils learn to reflect on their own writing — and on the creative process itself — in relation to the text that inspired it .
20 However , the task of transferring the central focus from the child to the older relative has not yet been attempted , and this chapter can perhaps be viewed as a small beginning to such a process .
21 In order to understand privatisation fully , since it may be viewed as a reaction to what went before , it is necessary to consider the nationalisation and state enterprise of the post-war period .
22 Although there would undoubtedly have been job losses after the merger , the proposal can be viewed as a relatively straightforward attempt to restructure and then rationalise an industry with excess capacity , with firms which were insufficiently large to exploit economies of scale and thus unable to make a profit .
23 One theory suggests that personality can be viewed as a series of concentric rings .
24 Anyone who has ever played with a gyroscope will know that the object displays a distinct aversion to being turned upside-down ; in many ways the spinning Earth can be viewed as a sort of super-heavy gyroscope .
25 The size of such settlements can easily be overestimated as the number of buildings must be viewed as a factor of the length of time the site was occupied and the frequency with which buildings were replaced .
26 Similarly , abandonment can be viewed as a shift or a decline in population .
27 There is little doubt that Francia was powerful , demonstrated by Byzantium believing in , and feeling threatened by , the Merovingian claims to hegemony ; Wood argues that the literary references to alliance between English kings and Francia may be viewed as a medium through which many Frankish goods entered England .
28 Consequently , secondary-school pupils in China have only a limited opportunity to go into higher education and in this sense , those who do make it can be viewed as a privileged elite .
29 Returning to the perspective of ‘ adaptive behaviour ’ discussed earlier , we can call into question the extent to which going abroad can legitimately be viewed as a student strategy for maximizing opportunities in China when by necessity it implied turning away from the ‘ motherland ’ in favour of foreign countries .
30 While the new book can be viewed as a hypertext because it has a semantic net to which paragraphs are attached , print on paper remains the dominant medium for the delivery of books , and Hypertext has also been generated in paper , linear form .
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