Example sentences of "be restricted to the " in BNC.

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1 Allen and McNab are fit again , but will be restricted to the bench by City , who will not change the team that has scored 12 in winning their last three games .
2 You will , of course , continue to be restricted to the neighbourhood of Battalion HQ — no straying .
3 Yet on any interpretation , the ‘ peoples of Europe ’ can never be restricted to the peoples of the European Community , and therefore the ‘ ever closer union ’ has nothing to do with the EC itself .
4 The Ukrainian Bolsheviks tended to be restricted to the eastern Ukraine ; they were therefore limited in their capacity to combat the Rada 's position by , for example , raising revolutionary peasant demands .
5 Bukharin advanced the case that the right of self-determination be restricted to the ‘ toiling masses ’ , buttressing his argument with quotations from Lenin 's writings that affirmed that the Party 's task was to secure the ‘ self-determination of the working class ’ rather than that of peoples .
6 Next , there is no reason to suppose that the loss of effectiveness suffered by a cue as a result of non-reinforced pre-exposure will be restricted to the case in which that cue is subsequently required to function as a CS ; no doubt the development of an occasion-setting function will also be retarded by exposure to the cue in question .
7 Indeed , for a long while the possession of a domestic clock or a watch tended to be restricted to the wealthy and was looked upon more as a sign of affluence than as a social necessity .
8 Co-operation and co-ordination should not therefore be restricted to the library sector — it should reach out .
9 Of course , engineers use mathematics extensively , but its use seems to be restricted to the final stages of the design process , such as for the detailed calculation of stresses in structures .
10 In the first place , the informal modal meaning tends to be restricted to the grammatical environment of first person singular and present tense and in this respect to have limited productive generality .
11 The idea that modernity is problematic has caused sufficient anxiety about the modern world for its use no longer to be restricted to the universities and classrooms but to spill out into the everyday culture .
12 The married couples allowance will be restricted to the 20pc reduced tax band and will cost a higher rate tax payer about £370 per annum .
13 In the planning application the developer indicated that petrol sales would be restricted to the hours of 7 am to 11 pm .
14 That is , learning need not be restricted to the orthodox educational system and also that learning , as a process , is essentially self-centred , and self-organised .
15 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
16 Olivetti said its use of Alpha would definitely be restricted to the high-end workstation market : it ‘ has other designs ’ when it comes to servers , hinting that it may bring out a product in that area based on the parallel processing technology of Kendall Square Research Corp , the Waltham , Massachusetts-based company in which it has a stake ( see page three ) .
17 By citizens and burgesses he meant the freemen of corporate towns , taking it for granted that his readers would understand that this privilege had in practice come to be restricted to the richer inhabitants — merchants , not working craftsmen .
18 Access for editing purposes will be restricted to the current version of any work unit .
19 In more recent work , Professor Stewart argues that , although the corporate approach retains its purpose as a challenge to the dominant functional perspective , the ‘ concern of the new management can not be restricted to the corporate centre ’ ( Stewart 1986 : 148 ; cf Stewart 1989 ) .
20 Nor did it seem apparent to all that the war fought at sea , the damage which might be inflicted upon enemy vessels and morale , and the consequences which victory at sea could have for those who lived in areas close to coasts , were all part of a wider war which could not be restricted to the fighting on land .
21 The appeal will be restricted to the point or points of law raised in the notice of appeal .
22 As such , it can not be restricted to the description of linguistic forms independent of the purposes or functions which those forms are designed to serve in human affairs .
23 Charles and James would find that , despite the publicized openness of the modern Conservative Party , the lower middle class still tends to be restricted to the lower political positions ; even at a local level , power continues to be unevenly distributed in favour of the upper middle class ( Butler and Pinto-Duschinsky , 1980 ) .
24 There is also uncertainty about whether the economic benefits of industrial growth centres will spread to the surrounding areas or will be restricted to the centre .
25 An abbreviated balance sheet may be restricted to the headings denoted by letters or Roman numerals on the required formats .
26 ‘ [ T ] he state ’ can not on any sensible political theory be restricted to the Crown and the departments of central government ( which are , indeed , part of the Crown in constitutional law ) .
27 Public health could not be restricted to the surveillance and prevention of specific maladies .
28 Although the government has always maintained that HATs will be restricted to the worst estates , it is by no means clear what criteria have been applied in the selection of these nine .
29 He believed that the activities of trade unions should be restricted to the sphere of welfare , but he strongly supported the provision of education for working men and women , establishing a works library in 1848 , a new School of Science and Art in Oldham in 1865 , and a works school in 1866 .
30 In Denmark , for instance , there were technically three classes of train travel , but first class came to be restricted to the sleeping-car stock on international trains .
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