Example sentences of "for determining the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , they will change their method of forming expectations in line with the process announced for determining the money supply and hence aggregate demand .
2 Firstly , the development of the Anglo-American civil aviation relationship in the troubled context of the 1980s and early 1990s will be explored and some assessment of its importance for determining the character of the world 's overall aviation system will be given .
3 Thus , what is outlined here represents both the existing law and the basis for determining the law in as yet untested or unfamiliar circumstances .
4 For determining the cost of programmes , functions and activities in a manner which facilitates analysis and valid comparisons with established criteria , among time periods , and with other governmental units .
5 Most critically , the clash between mobile resources and the largely immobile labour base of an economy has changed the ground rules for determining the attractiveness of a country to potential investors .
6 Attempts have been made to offer formulae for determining the ratio decidendi of cases , but few have proved to be really satisfactory .
7 The implication that reasonable foresight was the appropriate test for determining the existence of a duty of care by a company 's auditors was considered by the courts several times following Hedley Byrne .
8 The first part is organised on a non-time-related basis , the second part is basically time-related in that the principle for determining the content of any subsequent sentence is " what does the nervous impulse do next ? "
9 But such summaries will inevitably remain speculative since we have only one source in the New Testament for determining the content of the early preaching to people who were not Christians , and that is the sermons in Acts .
10 Satz ( 1979 ) has proposed a method for determining the acceptability or otherwise of models of speech representation in the left and right handed .
11 Long-term contracts for the supply of uranium have contained expert clauses for determining the price of the concentrate .
12 7.7 A.c. bridges for determining the frequency of a source
13 These aims , it argued , should be used as criteria for determining the scope of the formal curriculum , which could further be expressed in terms of eight modes of activity : linguistic and library study ; mathematical studies ; scientific study ; social studies ; creative and aesthetic studies ; physical activity ; religious studies ; morality .
14 However , a provincial offical says privately that it merely outlines ‘ the need for commonality on such elements as income replacement and survivors ’ benefits but leaves to each province responsibility for determining the level of compensation ’ .
15 The requirement that the reduction should be just and equitable means that there is no single test for determining the level of reduction of damages .
16 It is now clear that the courts have developed three different tests for determining the question of reasonableness .
17 Nothing provides a better demonstration of this than the continued usage of the administrative-judicial dichotomy as a basis for determining the applicability of natural justice .
18 Does one use conversation , written prose , modern novels , etc , as one 's standard for determining the norm of " the language as a whole " ?
19 Both imaging modalities were effective for determining the presence of obstruction , computed tomography alone accurately determines the level of the obstruction , but neither can reliably predict the cause .
20 In McKinsey ( 1978 ) , General Electric 's Vice President in charge of corporate strategy listed two sets of criteria used in his company for determining the location of each SBU on each axis .
21 The use of the corpus is vital for determining the probability of grammatical transitions .
22 Because a company can be an author of a computer-generated work , there has to be a special rule for determining the duration of copyright in such works and the copyright expires at the end of the period of 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made ( section 12(3) ) .
23 What his theory does not clearly specify is the method for determining the extent to which we observe cultural evolutionary achievements and the circumstances in which interference through institutional design is justified .
24 Since a patient 's recall of drug history over the years is an unreliable measure for determining the extent of laxative abuse , we endeavoured to correlate the incidence of pseudomelanosis coli with the endoscopic diagnosis of colorectal diseases .
25 As the Steam Tank is not provided with any instruments for determining the pressure in the boiler , the commander must rely on the intensity of the gurgling noises , the hissing sound as steam escapes from imperfectly sealed piping , and the clouds of vapour which accumulate around him .
26 This information is relevant to plans for local advertising , leaflet distribution , and for determining the potential for opening another branch to be sited a few kilometres away .
27 As far as magistrates ' courts are concerned , both their jurisdiction and their sentencing powers are limited by law , but a considerable degree of optionality is built into the system for determining the distribution of business between the two sets of criminal courts .
28 If , for some reason the nominated appointor can not or will not make an appointment , the court is likely to provide alternative machinery for determining the rent ( Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) .
29 For determining the value and predicting the service potential of resources held by the governmental unit .
30 Use of plants to monitor heavy metals in freshwater is one of a series of booklets detailing recommended methods for determining the quality of water and associated materials .
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