Example sentences of "for a new tenancy " in BNC.

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1 Thus , on the facts of the Dodds case , where a landlord gave notice of termination of a tenancy of business premises under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 on the 30 September 1978 , the ‘ four month ’ period during which the tenant had a right to apply for a new tenancy expired at midnight on 30 January , and so his application made on 31 January 1979 was invalid as being out of time .
2 Hence if , when the lease of The Country Tearooms comes to an end , the tenant , Ms Prim , wishes to renew the tenancy and the landlord is unwilling to do so , Ms Prim may apply to the local county court for a new tenancy based upon the terms of the tenancy which has just expired .
3 After the service of the notice the tenant is entitled to apply to the court for a new tenancy .
4 One year A tenant may only serve a request for a new tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26 , if his tenancy was granted for a term of years certain exceeding one year or for a term of years certain and thereafter from year to year ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26(1) ) .
5 In that way the landlord need serve only one notice ( the section 25 notice ) , which will be effective to bring the tenancy to an end , even if the landlord is not going to oppose any application for a new tenancy ( Scholl Mfg Co Ltd v Clifton ( Slim-Line ) Ltd [ 1967 ] Ch 41 ; Rene Claro ( Haute Coiffure ) Ltd v Halle Concerts Society [ 1969 ] 2 All ER 842 ; Keith Bayley Rogers & Co v Cubes Ltd ( 1975 ) 31 P & CR 412 ) .
6 This method of operating the break-clause may be advantageous to the landlord in that he may delay the service of a section 25 notice until he is in a position to establish a ground of opposition to an application for a new tenancy .
7 Where a lease contains a tenant 's break-clause , and the tenancy is protected by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , it is possible that instead of serving a contractual break notice , the tenant can serve a request for a new tenancy under s26 of the Act ( Scholl Mfg Co Ltd v Clifton ( Slim-Line ) Ltd ) .
8 Since a request for a new tenancy must specify a commencement date for the new tenancy not more than twelve months after the service of the notice , this means that at the date when the tenant must serve the break notice he is not in a position to serve a request for a new tenancy .
9 Since a request for a new tenancy must specify a commencement date for the new tenancy not more than twelve months after the service of the notice , this means that at the date when the tenant must serve the break notice he is not in a position to serve a request for a new tenancy .
10 And once the tenant has served a break notice , he loses the right to make a request for a new tenancy ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26(4) ) .
11 However , this may be resisted by the landlord since the tenant , if he is protected by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , may remain in occupation of the demised property even after the expiry of a break notice , pending an application to the court for a new tenancy .
12 There is , nowadays , little reason for the tenant to seek to incorporate an option to renew in his lease unless by reason of his bargaining strength he can secure that the rent payable under the new lease will be lower than that which would be fixed by the court on an application for a new tenancy under the 1954 Act .
13 Proceedings begun in this way include summary proceedings for the recovery of land ( subject to the special rules in Ord 24 , rr 1 – 7 ) and those which , in the High Court , would ordinarily be commenced by originating summons , eg an application by a business tenant for a new tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( Ord 43 , r 2 ) .
14 Proceedings by a tenant for a new tenancy must be commenced not less than two months nor more than four months of the date of the original notice or the tenant will lose his rights under the Act , and this limitation of time is absolute .
15 5.15 Re-letting boards To permit the Landlord at any time during the last [ 6 ] months of the Contractual Term and at any time thereafter [ unless the Tenant shall have made a valid court application under Section 24 of the 1954 Act or otherwise be entitled in law to remain in occupation or to a new tenancy of the Premises ] [ ( or sooner if the rents or any part of them shall be in arrear and unpaid for longer than [ 28 ] days ) ] to enter upon the Premises and affix and retain anywhere upon the Premises a notice for re-letting the Premises and during such period to permit persons with the written authority of the Landlord or [ its ] agent at reasonable times of the day to view the Premises It is not unreasonable for the landlord to be entitled to erect a re-letting board at the premises within a reasonable period prior to the termination of the term unless the tenant proposes to apply for a new tenancy of the premises , provided that the board is in a position so as not to interfere with the tenant 's or any undertenant 's business being carried on at the premises .
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