Example sentences of "change that [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , any changes that come to the primary schools must come as a result of changes at the secondary level .
2 Undoubtedly benefits are coming from those sorts of changes that come from the Health Service reforms .
3 Most important of all , however , are the changes that stem from the relationship itself : an over-anxious mother sees her new baby prosper , gains confidence , and treats him with ever-increasing assurance .
4 I have long been impressed , for example , by the changes that occur between the Frasnian and Famennian stages of the Late Devonian .
5 Another speaker , Michael Traber , WACC 's Director of Studies and Publications , said : ‘ It is the task of the mass media and theology to read the signs of the times and to interpret the changes that occur in the world in order to make sense of them . ’
6 In this respect and others the approach has similarities with the SSM , particularly with regards to client participation to encourage a commitment to any changes that result from the audit .
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