Example sentences of "a shred [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said that even if the Budget measures did help 100,000 unemployed people , as the Chancellor forecast , it meant that ‘ out of every 30 people out of work , 29 will get not a shred of help at all from the Budget ’ .
2 They were fitted into bombs in the Gulf on Monday — without a shred of ministry paperwork intruding at any point .
3 If you do , I 'll forget every agreement we ever had , and I 'll fight you with everything I 've got , so that by the end you wo n't have a shred of reputation left — ’
4 Both Sotheby 's and the lawyers for Lord Northampton have assured us that up till now they have not seen a shred of proof .
5 ‘ But there 's not a shred of proof , is there ? ’
6 Our Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , was given three thrillers to review by the Daily Telegraph : Geoffrey ( not to be confused with Lord ) Archer 's Eagletrap ( Century ) , Clive Egleton 's Hostile Intent ( Hodder ) and J K Mayo 's A Shred of Honour ( Harvill ) .
7 There is a shred of substance in these claims .
8 ‘ There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that we will win , ’ he says .
9 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
10 Many interviews were quoted with contacts in East Europe , all of whom claimed to have proof that Crabb was still alive , but not a shred of evidence was ever produced to support any of these bizarre allegations .
11 It seems that Constanze supplied Mozart with the sexual fulfilment he needed , and , although rumours abounded at the time , and have continued ever since , that both husband and wife took other lovers , there is not a shred of evidence to support such a theory .
12 You do the teacher in question a terrible injustice by putting these emotive labels on him without a shred of evidence that he presents a risk to the children he teaches .
13 There is not a shred of evidence that fearsome beasts were ritually slaughtered in the arena or lissome slave-girls routinely sacrificed on the altars of scowling deities .
14 The Act was destined to become something of a cause célèbre among successive generations of floggers who would fondly remember ( although without a shred of evidence to support their claim ) how flogging had put down the garotters and could be relied upon to stop Hooligans or Teddy Boys .
15 For such a contention there would seem to be not a shred of evidence .
16 She was quite capable of going to the police and making accusations which , since she had n't a shred of evidence , could only lead to trouble .
17 Without a shred of evidence he had employed an innuendo when what he should have said was that any normal English person could not but approve of the sight of young English lads in their uniforms , and would naturally pause to observe how they played a game .
18 Besides , as Minter was in the process of admitting , he had so far assembled not a shred of evidence to support his claim .
19 Cosmas is burnt to death in his bed ; Damien killed by a mysterious archer who apparently can pass through thick walls , but there 's no clue to the riddle , no sign of the Templars and not a shred of evidence to indicate where the Grail or Excalibur lie . ’
20 But I do n't see that either of us could produce a shred of evidence to support our extremely unlikely thesis , so I do n't see that we 're much further advanced .
21 If she did , he did n't know what he would do ; he had not a shred of evidence .
22 ‘ But I can tell you this , Ranulf , even though I have n't a shred of evidence , I believe the deaths of those two young people have something to do with the murder of Lady Eleanor Belmont . ’
23 For , of course , he would deny everything to the police , and , though she knew she was right , she did n't have a shred of evidence .
24 It claimed that Ms Oruene had failed to show she was treated less favourably than any other candidate and that there was not a shred of evidence to show that it had deviated from normal procedures .
25 Dr Reid , author of a book on the Orkney case , claimed : ‘ There is not a shred of evidence of any form of abuse , physical or sexual , since the children 's father was taken out of circulation . ’
26 If there were a shred of humanity in the IRA , they would hand those killers over for justice without any delay . ’
27 Without a shred of embarrassment , the sentimental Tory takes out his hanky and invites us to watch him dripping crocodile tears of fond reminiscence for the days of that most honourable of men , so lauded by the Conservatives of his era , Mr Tony Benn .
28 She took in breath to scream , but it had caught her up like a shred of paper .
29 I do not know whether there is a shred of truth in the allegations .
30 There was , of course , not a shred of truth in any of the allegations of criminal conduct made against me during the trial by Beck and by his accomplice , Winston .
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