Example sentences of "and understanding [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The problem for any intelligence agency , East or West , is whether to take a politician at his word when he is publicly declaring a desire for greater friendship and understanding with the very same people against whom the covert operation is intended .
2 While some such questions have featured in this examiner 's papers , many of the questions set attempt to test a breadth of knowledge and understanding across the whole financial accounting syllabus .
3 Let the relief workers get to real human needs , but let the wider governmental administrations not forget that aviation heritage at large is deserving of some help and understanding amid the ruins of Tamiami .
4 Bonington said he also hoped to see closer co-operation and understanding between the national park authorities and the farmers , tourist operators and everyone else who lives and works in the parks .
5 Eisenhower reiterated this theme from 15–18 May at the much-vaunted Paris Conference , which had originally been intended to further cooperation and understanding between the USSR and the United States , France and the United Kingdom .
6 There may follow a lack of communication and understanding between the computer professionals , the legal advisers , the ultimate users and the supplier of the software resulting in the purchase of a system which is cumbersome , does not provide all the information the users now realize they would have liked and which runs far too slowly to be of any practical use .
7 My parents are broadminded , liberal and understanding to the extent that I probably could never match .
8 Their role is to give depth , colour and understanding to the issues at hand , and to provide a broad context ( or " environment " ) by which to guide the more specific calculation of quantitative forecasts described above .
9 Explanatory forecasting These techniques are used to assist , techniques augment and inform the quantitative forecasting process , giving depth , colour and understanding to the issues at hand .
10 Involving affected groups of people in creative problem solving can be very effective , both in arriving at novel solutions and in gaining their commitment and understanding for the changes .
11 — But it is for his gift of sympathy and understanding for the teachers who worked with him which far exceeded his obligation that I shall largely remember him .
12 One therefore needs to be sure of one 's ground , exactly as for intervention in the primary disease , with documented evidence supported by others and expressed with humility and with care and understanding for the dignity of the sufferer .
13 SFA lists certain criteria to be used to judge relevant experience and understanding for the particular transaction .
14 the lack of knowledge and understanding about the basis for allocation ;
15 The parents needed not only extensive marital therapy but also to realize that Suzy needed sympathy and understanding about the distress she felt when her parents argued .
16 Nor is it in keeping with the call in the Health of the Nation for better information and understanding about the burden of mental illness .
17 The project seeks to develop theory and understanding about the behaviour of urban land prices in low and middle-income residential districts of contemporary Third World cities .
18 The failure of the League of Nations in Danzig was a failure of nerve and understanding on the part of the member states : unforgivably they minimised the difficulty and frustrations of the position they had carved for Poland — a country emerging to modernity after over 100 years of partition , a country without financial capital , with hostile neighbours , border problems , huge minorities but without a port of its own .
19 She has been acclaimed as the greatest Canadian painter of the century , while her four books are said to have reached new heights of perception and understanding in the annals of Canadian literature .
20 There is also a unit dealing with Methods of Inquiry and Understanding in the Humanities , and a unit providing an introduction to Computing in the context of the study of the Humanities .
21 It ensured that the deaf received help and understanding in the blackout and during air-raids .
22 The group award should specify outcomes which place due emphasis on the application of skills , knowledge and understanding in the conditions of the workplace .
23 The criteria for accreditation include a requirement that SVQs ‘ specify outcomes which place due emphasis on the application of skills , knowledge and understanding in the conditions of the workplace ’ as well as incorporating the Lead Body 's standards .
24 Whether the reader is willing or able , or even desires , to adopt to some degree the approaches put forward will be decided in large part by his or her wider set of beliefs and understanding concerning the nature of schools , schooling and education .
25 Everyone else 's mother came in neat and respectful skirts , and were accompanied by neat and respectful fathers who sought wisdom and understanding from the teachers .
26 There are areas of particular importance which require extra knowledge and understanding from the start .
27 The phonetic orthography of both the Cyrillic alphabet of Serbia and the Latin alphabet of Croatia and Slovenia made for easier communication and understanding among the Yugoslav peoples and led to common political action .
28 This was particularly apparent in all arts areas at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ , where even though the music and drama departments did not have any formalized assessment pattern , the degree of interaction between staff and pupils produced a very high level of self-awareness and understanding among the children about their work .
29 Increasingly , these forest resources have become the focus of competing uses and understanding among the various interested parties — local communities , West African governments , international conservation and development agencies , private timber companies , etc .
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