Example sentences of "and lead [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Many self-report studies have been carried out in schools , which will tend to result in school drop-outs and truants being excluded from the sample and lead to an unrepresentative sample .
2 Sections of the retail trade itself are also likely to welcome a slow down in what some see as a development free-for-all which could damage the balance of retail provision and lead to an over-supply of retail space in the near future .
3 The British scientists behind the mission — one possible name for it is Exspect — believe it will-become an international project , a move which will decrease its cost and lead to an earlier launch .
4 But never drive along with the dog loose , as it could easily distract you momentarily , and lead to an accident .
5 The results give some support to the advocates of comprehensive secondary schooling that the system will reduce class inequalities and lead to an improvement in overall educational achievement .
6 But perhaps the greatest fear about workfare is that it might reduce the political spur to create jobs and lead to an army of people working in poorly paid conditions .
7 Moreover , any monopoly tendencies in the market will tend to increase transactions costs and lead to an inefficient mechanism of channelling funds from savers to borrowers .
8 These can be used to obtain purely factual information , but excessive use can hinder rapport and lead to an abrupt type of conversation which lacks flow .
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