Example sentences of "and throw [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If they decide to arrest me and throw me in gaol , my plans will have to be drastically altered … ’
2 In Yohei 's case , this collapses into a craven botch — hilariously acted by Ryo Amamiya — in which he more or less accidentally dispatches his wife but ca n't bring himself to take the plunge and throw himself into the river as promised .
3 As I 've told her , now that she 's left him and his personal life 's in such a mess , perhaps he 'll do what these managerial types usually do in such circumstances , and throw himself into his work . "
4 He would time it just right and throw himself in front of the branch line train , he knew the train did n't go very fast but it would do …
5 ‘ And have n't you heard the Scriptures saying that a man should tie a millstone round his neck and throw himself in the sea sooner than abuse a little child ? ’
6 I was surprised at the violence of his remorse — after all , he had only hit me — and I remember thinking , quite irrelevantly , how much more true to life the old dramatists were than modern ones , making their characters utter loud cries and throw themselves about the stage in moments of anguish , rather than deliver their parts poker-faced , through stiff lips .
7 Some men tire of the journey and throw themselves to the sea .
8 ( They pick up PROF ENO and throw him into the small drainage channel that runs alongside the playing field )
9 What a prank to capture some upstart tech gang member , or some undercity riff-raff , and throw him into the heat sink itself to slide or tumble or simply fall free , down , down , tens of kilometres down into the inferno .
10 ‘ We 'll have the police here at any moment , ready to take the boy away and throw him into prison ! ’
11 Just pick him up , and throw him into the flames , and I 'll free you from your debt . ’
12 A few of his fellow citizens would wait until the train was about to depart , nobble him and throw him on the train , slip the guards a few dollars and wave goodbye .
13 You haul him upstairs and throw him on the bed ; he struggles and tries to shout .
14 I saw the creature jump at Sir Henry and throw him to the ground .
15 A great anger had heated up , one of Robertson 's new windows had been shattered by a stone , and the womenfolk had made a move to drag the teacher out and throw him in the river .
16 It did not take long for forces from the south to march upon the rebels and throw them into abject retreat .
17 The ants will bring dead ants and other unwanted rubbish from their nests and throw them into the feeding compartment .
18 Take your guns , your knives and your and throw them into the sea .
19 The best way to deal with them is to unbalance them , trip them and throw them to the ground .
20 While they were bringing me food , I wondered whether to pick up a handful of the little men and throw them to their death .
21 Go round the again car again and throw them to the kids .
22 I 'm sure they pick things up and throw them at each other .
23 ‘ Instead of grabbing a tin of soup the book will say , ‘ Pick up a few carrots , a leek , chop them up and throw them in water , add a dash of cream , a few leaves of chervil , and you have something homely and delicious that you have made . ’
24 Go through your drawers and anything you do n't need bring them down and throw them in the bin .
25 And I have cleaned round him , but you know , as quick as I pick them up and throw them in the corner , he gets them out again .
26 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
27 ‘ Perhaps next time you 'll inform me first before you gatecrash my party and throw yourself into the fountain .
28 Not only did they drench her in a water fight when she did n't have a change of clothes and throw her on the muck heap , but on Friday evening offered her a roll filled with Doggie Dins , so she spent the rest of the night throwing up .
29 Their taunts must have sickened her , so this ai n't the time to start mauling — even though I 've got a bulge in my pants like a bunch of bananas and I want to rip that nightdress of her and throw her on the bed .
30 ‘ The other day we saw her grab a girl by the pigtails and throw her over the playground fence ! ’
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