Example sentences of "change [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some preliminary quantitative insights can be obtained by writing the rate of change of hydrogen peroxide with respect to time as : Here k f is the second-order rate coefficient for recombination of HO 2 radicals ( 6.7x10 -12 cm 3 per molecule s -1 at 287K ) and k l is the first-order rate coefficient for physical removal .
2 TFIIF , possibly along with TFIIE , might be involved in a change of DNA conformation around the initiation site that is induced by binding of RNA polymerase II to the preformed DAB complex and represents a transition from a closed to an open complex ( 30 ) .
3 The Council argued the proposed change of operating centre on tree nursery land did not conform with rural development in that area .
4 Thirdly there have been studies of geomorphological processes affected by human activity and particularly important stimuli were produced by Wolman ( 1967a ) who suggested the way in which sediment yield varied at the present time between urban and non-urban areas and extended this to provide a model of change of sediment yield in the northeast of the USA since 1700 , and also by Douglas ( 1969 ) .
5 This was because of de-stocking and running down of high volume , low margin brands , and a change of year end at the Schenley offshoot last time .
6 There was no significant correlation between rates of change of bone density at the two sites , or between the rates of change and the initial bone density either in the radius or spine .
7 Only with the change of party strategy in 1934 was it possible to speak of a genuine coincidence between PCF political and cultural policy .
8 Following the change of party line in 1934 , which occurred during his stay in the Soviet Union , Nizan was entrusted with the task of liaising with fellow-travelling intellectuals such as Malraux , Gide and Bloch , who were attending the Soviet Writers Congress of that year .
9 The two procedures are seen to attempt to handle the result of an imposed change of mechanism state in different ways .
10 The theory makes important predictions regarding the change of chain configuration during deformation and relaxation and these are measurable by monitoring the radius of gyration tensor .
11 They range from the lone back-packer who stuffs a volume of Descartes into the pocket of her shorts and forgets to take spare socks , to the package holiday-maker who packs a change of silk shirt for every evening he is going to be away .
12 The change of traffic direction at the Bondgate end of Skinnergate , the one-way system introduced in Salt Yard and the traffic lights at the bottom of Woodland Road combined to worsen the problem .
13 Now in general suppose the rate of change of volume dV/dt during this process is proportional to the difference in volume .
14 It considers , in very broad terms , the variety of circumstances which can cause a change of dependence/independence status for the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
15 The dependence/independence continuum in the model of living serves as a reminder that all people experience change of dependence/independence status for the Activities of Living in the normal course of the lifespan .
16 The accounting policy alignment relates to a change of stock valuation from weighted average cost to FIFO which is used by the group .
17 She found that of the 16 libraries which retained archive files of statistics , the following principal uses were recorded : monitoring book use for duplication of titles ( 10 libraries ) ; fund allocation ( 5 ) ; monitoring book use for change of loan status of books ( 5 ) ; and for relegation purposes ( 5 ) ; examination of interdisciplinary use of stock ( 3 ) ; monitoring loans for possible changes in loan regulations ( 2 ) .
18 The implications of these proposed changes for nature conservation in both the UK and France will be discussed in Chapter 9 .
19 Why therefore did not organisms respond in a similar way to the much slower changes of sea level in the lengthy periods of climatic equability ?
20 These problems are all confused by difficulties of observation , largely the result of many changes of base level in the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods .
21 Surely that has been one of the major changes of Government policy over the last few years .
22 These statements are all true and there have been astonishing changes of government policy in a remarkably short period .
23 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
24 As a young dancer , Susan followed the same teacher through changes of class venue in church and school halls throughout Newcastle , Consett , Hebburn and finally Jarrow .
25 There have been important changes in patient care in our hospitals , and this includes care of the over-75's .
26 TNC does not seem to recognize how worthwhile changes in assessment need to be ‘ slowed ’ by teachers and to have a wider impact on curriculum and teaching methods if they are to have beneficial consequences for achievement levels ; that such reform takes time and considerable teacher commitment ; and that a heavy investment in INSET is needed .
27 Changes in income distribution in favour of the rich and the more generous treatment of investment income have an effect upon capital accumulation and investment .
28 A study of the changes in absorption spectrum of a system in the course of a reaction can give information about the mechanism , as well as about the nature of the product(s) , the rate of the reaction and how the rate changes with concentration , with temperature and with the presence of other potential reagents .
29 Obviously the more waste the greater the bioload and even the most efficient filtration system will not prevent changes in water chemistry after feeding , if the aquarium is overstocked or the filtration system is not yet fully-mature .
30 Changes in money supply from this source are likely to be much greater under a fixed than a floating exchange rate .
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