Example sentences of "is recommended [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It is recommended that the installation is carried out by a qualified tradesman , or , at least , is checked by one .
2 It is recommended that the UK government should press for all development plans to be agreed with conservation authorities before they can be adopted .
3 It is recommended that the British government uses Article 20 to rehabilitate on-farm broadleaved woods in the LFA in conjunction with advice from the conservation authorities , but that it does not implement any provisions for afforestation because of the role of the Forestry Commission and private forestry companies in the UK .
4 It is recommended that the upland LFA should be divided into a ‘ mountain zone ’ under Article 3(3) of the existing Directive ( using grades H3 and H4 in the Hills and Uplands land classification as the starting point ) ; an ‘ intermediate zone ’ under Article 3(4) using grades H1 and H2 land as the starting point ; and a ‘ marginal zone ’ also under Article 3(4) using grades U3 and U4 as the starting point .
5 It is recommended that the Article , if accepted , is applied to The Somerset Levels , Halvergate Marshes , The Broads and similar areas ( to not exceed more than 4% of the land area of each Member State ) .
6 For the beginner , however , this negative pitch angle is exactly what is not required and it is recommended that the lowest pitch that the blades can reach should be +1° .
7 For practice in the art of report writing , it is recommended that the suggested ideas are used where appropriate in the preparation of lab. reports , seminar papers and even private correspondence .
8 It is recommended that the reader refers to Satir ( 1988 , Chapter 10 ) for a user-friendly account of systems theory .
9 Instead , it is recommended that the motives and actions of the groups involved in workplace relations should be the main focus of attention .
10 If it is impossible to find a frame with a high tone in such a position it is recommended that the first part of the frame consists of 3–4 syllables , i.e. is n't too short , so as to give enough reference points .
11 In a report from the Department of Highways to the Transportation Committee it is recommended that the statutory procedure be continued in respect of the necessary order to make Muirend Avenue/Viewfield Road a one way system .
12 It is recommended that the Committee consider the request for payment of a subscription fee of £528 to the Scottish Accident Prevention Council .
13 If this does need to be done then it is recommended that the run be aborted and restarted at Option 6 , but sometimes Option 5 will be necessary .
14 It is recommended that the collection be administratively integrated with the main historical archives in the Library by 1995 .
15 It is recommended that the loan set should be transferred to the Library by the time building work commences on the Herbarium/Library extension in 1993 .
16 Before any Consultation exercise is carried out it is recommended that the accuracy of the contact details of Community Councils and any changes to Regional and District Councillors are checked by contacting :
17 However , it is recommended that the following are contacted prior to planning/setting up translation facilities :
18 After LIFESPAN ABLE has been run , it is recommended that the LIFESPAN Validation program is executed , to check that the storage directories and database files are consistent .
19 It is recommended that the actual classification codes are defined as a set by the individual organisation concerned ; e.g. UNCLASSIFIED , RESTRICTED .
20 The first field provides a type , and it is recommended that the types are defined as a restricted set by the individual organisation concerned .
21 It is recommended that the build file should describe how to build the package and reference either another module or a document/manual which instructs the user how to run the software once it has been built .
22 It is recommended that the number of modules referred to by an SSR are kept to a minimum : it is unlikely that one report can adequately describe the status of many modules .
23 It is recommended that the offline manager introduces new media items when the offline system is not running , since LIFESPAN may attempt to use the media item as soon as it knows about it .
24 This may lead to confusion so unless it is critical to maximise the use of an operator it is recommended that the offline runs are scheduled at different times .
25 It is recommended that the description should give some indication of how important the SSR is , in terms of its impact on existing modules , as well as suggesting how quickly its recommendations should be implemented .
26 Although the incidence of dual pathology may be less in hospital outpatients populations ( 14% ) , it is recommended that the lower gastrointestinal tract should be examined in all patients presenting with anaemia , regardless of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy findings , except in those found to have malignancy of the upper gastrointestinal tract .
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