Example sentences of "it may [be] wondered " in BNC.

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1 It may be wondered if gradients in some chemical might guide cells to their destination .
2 It may be wondered why it is necessary , or even advantageous , to have two sorts of unit for lexical semantics .
3 It may be wondered why this doctrine is retained , but it has great advantages for both the major groups involved — the ministers and the civil servants .
4 Given the gradations in penalty available , this sets the threshold for liability at a surprisingly high level , and it may be wondered whether an individual defendant on his own will often be able to perpetrate that degree of ferocity , although the Act clearly contemplates this as a possibility .
5 That exemption has now been removed , and it may be wondered what is achieved by leaving in the Act references to the audience whom the defendant addresses , rather than penalising publication or distribution to the public at large .
6 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
7 Whilst at first sight this takes these areas outside the scope of enforceable Community law , it may be wondered how total the exclusion is .
8 It may be wondered both whether it is actually open to a group of Member States to enter into an agreement on a matter which would appear to fall within Community competence ( at least if Maastricht comes into force ) and how far this is an indicator of things to come if some Member States do not ratify the Maastricht Treaty .
9 It may be wondered whether the risk of harm outweighed the public policy behind horseplay — boys will be boys .
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