Example sentences of "it is difficult to find " in BNC.

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1 Although I must say it is difficult to find a butcher now who understands how to hang meat , dear me , yes … . ’
2 It is difficult to find work these days , but for blind people it is virtually impossible .
3 It is difficult to find this tea , but it is worth looking for .
4 It is difficult to find another film with which to compare it ; Mr Rivette virtually hypnotises his audience .
5 But it is difficult to find a major summer festival that is not expensive and , for want of seats , exclusive to those with the will , the guile , or the contacts with which to acquire tickets .
6 But it is difficult to find anyone , even hardened socialists , who are voting because they believe Mr Kinnock will make a good , or even an adequate , national leader .
7 It is difficult to find a single Labour voter in Frinton .
8 It is difficult to find words strong enough for the sensation which came over me ; Milton 's ‘ enormous bliss ’ of Eden ( giving the full , ancient meaning to ‘ enormous ’ ) comes somewhere near it .
9 It is difficult to find examples to correspond with the American experience in England .
10 This method is useful when it is difficult to find positive actions by your child to praise .
11 It is difficult to find evidence that there has been massive deterioration in the morality and behaviour of the common people , in comparison to the preindustrial work .
12 It is difficult to find much in common between Christianity and witchcraft .
13 Smith , well in character , says ‘ It is difficult to find sufficiently restrained language to express the wickedness of this attitude ’ .
14 Then again it is difficult to find anything that is his concern .
15 Before 1400 there were no censuses in the modern sense , and at all periods before the nineteenth century it is difficult to find any precise evidence for population .
16 The chairmanship of the Conservative Party is a very political job indeed , yet it is difficult to find a Conservative politician who would volunteer to fill it .
17 Ergonomically , it is difficult to find fault with the PKR 14E .
18 In form alone there are similarities between certain glass bowls and plain ceramic bowls , but it is difficult to find ceramic equivalents of distinctive glass forms , suggesting that any social and economic symbolism conveyed by the shape and function of such vessels was conveyed equally by the material used , and that there were rigid boundaries between them ; there was not , for instance , a poor man 's version of the glass cone beaker .
19 You may want to take your dog out earlier than normal if it is difficult to find a quiet spot .
20 But the truth is more complex ; it is difficult to find a hard and fast line absolutely distinguishing quietists from other Quakers .
21 It is difficult to find out about such things ; catalogues need to be read between the lines and the shows are full of razzmatazz .
22 From pre- , para- and reserve military training in schools and factories , to ‘ voluntary ’ contributions of food and material to the Armed Forces , to dual-purpose transport and the hardening of industrial plant , it is difficult to find an aspect of production in which military and security considerations do not in some way impinge .
23 It is difficult to find scientific evidence of the value of using the Rogerian client oriented counselling method , which is widely advocated , and on this we share the authors ' doubts .
24 Since it is difficult to find independent evidence with which to test the interpretations of their own past offered by Greek historians , we can not know whether they were ‘ really ’ being exceptionally ‘ rational ’ and ‘ scientific ’ .
25 It is difficult to find fault with this eccentric and lively account ’ .
26 Whatever the ‘ social costs ’ of political and economic development in Japan up to the 1940s , it is difficult to find widespread sustained resistance to , or non-cooperation with , the social value system .
27 It is difficult to find out whether or not the statute had any real impact .
28 Although this has clearly been recognised as a ground of challenge for abuse of power ( see Anisminic , for example ) , it is difficult to find examples where it stands alone as the ground for attacking the decision .
29 It is difficult to find examples which assume the contrary , let alone to show that they can succeed .
30 It is a field that is full of mythology , but also of research ; but the research tends to be compartmentalized between individual media , so that it is difficult to find meaningful material covering a combination of media in any very useful way .
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