Example sentences of "it is difficult to see " in BNC.

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1 for it is difficult to see how the native could have any interest in the project of unveiling what can go on existing only if it remains veiled .
2 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
3 Without the possibility , then , of altering one 's perceptual inputs at will it is difficult to see how the information provided by the input systems could ever be centered upon a self , a self that is not just a repository of information , but something which addresses itself to reality and for whom reality is centred upon itself .
4 You may say that it is refutable and so it is empirical ; but then — see below — our criteria for cognisance are so much bound up with what the subject can do that it is difficult to see how we could assess the cognisance of a totally passive creature . )
5 It is difficult to see how anyone could notice the absence of white meat or fish with such an unending variety of tastes set before them .
6 On the negative side it is difficult to see the advantage for Bergen Bank , which is getting mixed up with one of the most troublesome members of the already unfortunate Norwegian banking sector , where 1989 loss estimates of NKr1.6bn have been announced .
7 Ferranti is looking increasingly isolated in the UK defence electronics scene and it is difficult to see the institutions tolerating such an exercise or forgiving lightly the management for the International Signal and Control takeover .
8 It is difficult to see that as anything other than an attempt to intimidate the BBC .
9 The General Strike in no way deflected it from that course and it is difficult to see that event as an historical watershed in the evolution of trade union policies and attitudes .
10 In Cato ( 1976 ) the Court of Appeal was prepared to hold that the offence of possessing controlled drugs was sufficient , together with the act of injecting another with these drugs , even though it is difficult to see how mere possession ( which is the offence ) can cause death .
11 One disputed point is whether words alone can constitute an assault : the preponderance of authority is probably that mere words , unaccompanied by any threatening conduct , can not amount to an assault , but if the point of the offence is to penalize the creation of fear of imminent attack , it is difficult to see why utterances such as ‘ Get out the knives ’ or ‘ Let's hit them ’ should be regarded more indulgently than a raised hand .
12 Without wanting to appear too sanguine , and without trivializing the persistent phenomenon of right-wing extremism and the need to maintain vigilance against it , the full realization of the responsibility which Hitler bears for the untold agonies suffered by millions has so discredited everything he stood for in the eyes of sane persons everywhere that , except in circumstances beyond the scope of our realistic imagination , it is difficult to see that there could be a resurrection or a new variant of the once-mighty ‘ Hitler myth ’ , with its power to capture the imagination of millions .
13 As a critical or psychological judgement it is meaningless , since it is difficult to see how a conductor can reveal private soul-searching whilst recording the overture to Die Fledermaus or Beethoven 's Seventh Symphony , short , that is , of transposing each piece into the minor and playing it at half speed .
14 In a way , there is no terrible indignity in this — it is not the tennis equivalent of Randolph Turpin 's sordid tour of the halls as a wrestler — but even so , it is difficult to see what Borg is aiming to get out of this renewed struggle .
15 With no evidence that it would improve standards , it is difficult to see the advantage of turning the system upside down once more .
16 It is difficult to see what more we could have done , ’ said one gloomy Labour frontbencher on Friday .
17 In spite of all its anomalies , it is difficult to see what other system could have retained even the present small population .
18 It is difficult to see how the compact feet of the sauropod could avoid becoming stuck fast in the soft , muddy bottom of a lake .
19 But although amino acids might well have become strung together to form primitive proteins , it is difficult to see how those proteins could have had any kind of coherent structure , or multiplied themselves efficiently , without help from DNA .
20 Unless this is understood and addressed , it is difficult to see how a durable peace can be achieved .
21 It is difficult to see how this latter analysis can predict the results obtained .
22 Alas , it is difficult to see it now , due to poor restoration at the beginning of this century , but it does depict Charles IV and Elizabeth of Pomerania with Czech patron saints .
23 The rich carving of the High Altar is by Johann Ferdinand Schorr and although it is difficult to see without binoculars , above the High Altar is a painting depicting the victory of the Battle of the White Mountain , showing the Carmelites holding aloft the small icon of the Madonna .
24 It is unfortunate that this street Křižovnická is so busy as it is difficult to see .
25 It is difficult to see , at first glance , exactly what buildings , machinery , and equipment are needed , or what livestock will best suit the holding .
26 Indeed , in retrospect , it is difficult to see just why the young Morrissey was drawn towards the New York Dolls school of hammy glitter at all .
27 Indeed in any civilised country it is difficult to see what other view could be held .
28 It is difficult to see how the courts can scrupulously review the reasonableness of police discretion where the case comes up so long after the event when the wording in the Act is so very wide in the first place .
29 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
30 They have also been attacked by the courts , with the result that it is difficult to see what practical effect such clauses might be thought to have .
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