Example sentences of "it is difficult imagine " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ merry-go-round ’ system which allows loading and discharge to take place while an entire train remains in motion has continued to form the mainstay of Railfreight Coal 's operations , and it is difficult to imagine a more efficient alternative .
2 It is difficult to imagine that there will be a return to the status quo ante regarding the closed shop , trade union immunities and pre-strike ballots , the right of council house tenants to buy their own homes ( over a million former council tenants have made such purchases ) , and the position of former nationalized industries .
3 Indeed it is difficult to imagine such a state of affairs , but in fact Marx , especially in Formen makes it quite clear that this is not what he meant at all ; it is only under the influence of Morgan in The Origin that Engels might possible by construed to have implied something so unlikely .
4 It is difficult to imagine the World Wide Fund for Nature encouraging activists to clamber up chimneystacks or challenge French warships .
5 Carbon dioxide will be the supreme test of commitment and anti-pollution technology , but , as has been noted before , it is so omnipresent , its natural cycle so great and its sources and sinks so difficult to determine accurately ( one assessment in early 1990 downgraded the amount mopped up by the oceans by 50 per cent but came to no firm conclusion about where the unaccounted for remainder went ) , so closely linked with economic growth and its man-made sources so hard and expensive to restrain that it is difficult to imagine a protocol which will be globally effective .
6 But it is difficult to imagine America 's corporate leaders advocating a crackdown on executive wining-and-dining , even for the Japanese .
7 It is difficult to imagine any of the jargon-junkies who preside over American psychology writing , for example , that ‘ nothing filthy , disgusting , foul , loathsome , nauseous , offensive , revolting , vile , squalid , feculent , or obscene ’ seems to have escaped the attention of modern ‘ artists ’ .
8 But it is difficult to imagine that shaikhs had more power in the pre-Sanusi period than in the 1970s : if anything , accretions of status increased their authority during the Italian government and the kingdom ( so that a shaikh was an obvious candidate for the office of al-mukhtar al-mahalli ) .
9 The study , however , was dependent on teams volunteering to take part , and even without this it is difficult to imagine a design which would match teams on all dimensions .
10 It is difficult to imagine that such species were rapid swimmers .
11 It is difficult to imagine a butterfly without a plant to feed on , and we have to assume that both the plants and the appropriate pollinators diversified together .
12 It is difficult to imagine that this was once Britains first electric main line .
13 It is difficult to imagine a world in which the status of your car — and yourself , by implication — centres around miles per gallon , but making economy desirable and fashionable seems to be the way to change the habits of private car owners .
14 It is difficult to imagine how readers concentrate while putti and the Vices and Virtues gaze down upon them .
15 It is difficult to imagine a youth cult without its own type of music .
16 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
17 Astley Cooper claimed ( incorrectly ) that the constitution of the College would not allow more professors to be appointed , although it is difficult to imagine that a course , ideally lasting three years and covering the health and diseases of all species of domesticated animals , could have been undertaken by a professor , an assistant professor and a demonstrator .
18 Still , it is difficult to imagine this immensely civilised music ever being more persuasively presented , as once again performance ( bar a couple of mild intonation slips in the ‘ Sicut erat ’ of the C major Magnificat ) and production values are ( if you 'll forgive the in-phrase ) truly ‘ state of the art ’ .
19 Peter Holman 's exemplary notes suggest that Jenkins composed these works in his 20s or 30s , but the quality of the music seem to belie that generally accepted claim : it is difficult to imagine such depth of repose in so young a man — though that in turn gives the modern listener a clue as to why Jenkins was such a respected and well-loved figure in his day .
20 It is difficult to imagine how a business could survive without knowing and forecasting its cash flow , fee invoicing , costs and receipts .
21 Once placed in their political context , it is difficult to imagine a set of guidelines of good practice in urban policy precisely because of the interaction of policy , theory and practice that this volume attempts to emphasise .
22 For some engaged couples it is difficult to imagine ever having a conflict , while others have already experienced quite a few .
23 But it is difficult to imagine him going to Stamford Bridge or instructing London Welsh in the value of second-phase possession .
24 Demands for change will continue , but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the current climate , as broadcasting , and the media in general , becomes increasingly unaccountable to society as a whole .
25 But it is difficult to imagine how Dustin could have felt any involvement in the picture .
26 It is difficult to imagine a public transport setting where the combination of infinitely ( and rapidly ) varying weather and interesting manual flying in arguably one of Europe 's most beautiful areas can be bettered .
27 But for most it is difficult to imagine that minerals may also have consciousness .
28 We are due to review the morning service pattern at the church meeting on December 9th , although it is difficult to imagine how we could ever revert to a single service since already we have about 500 adults and children attending the two services !
29 On this side of the Atlantic , it is difficult to imagine what kind of impact the film has had .
30 It is difficult to imagine how these could ever be achieved without a flagrant disregard for basic human rights .
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