Example sentences of "it is difficult determine " in BNC.

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1 Although it is difficult to determine what was the original material from which these rocks were derived , the general consensus of opinion is that the original material was of igneous origin , with the old term orthogneiss being used to describe these rocks in the past .
2 It is difficult to determine therefore whether endothelial damage preceded the evidence of enhanced platelet-release reaction or not .
3 As with anything that can not be easily quantified , it is difficult to determine the point where the benefits of additional information exceed the costs .
4 It has been found that the intake of nutrients in the diet declines markedly in old age , and whilst it is difficult to determine to what extent this is caused by , or is the cause of , increased physical disease , the connection with elderly health is known to be significant .
5 It is difficult to determine what proportion of these ships had wire rigging and which used the improved hemp but in any case it is clear that the West was largely won with better rope .
6 A similar problem exists with the interpretation of Neolithic axes ; while there can not be any doubt that glacial drift has resulted in the deposition of rocks at a considerable distance from the parent rock , it is difficult to determine the actual source of the stone in either period .
7 Evidently it is difficult to determine the true inclination of the Tunguska bolide , and eyewitness reports gathered 20 years after the event are particularly suspect .
8 While this analysis was being made against the background of a worsening position for NHS funding , it is difficult to determine whether the development moneys will be lost as the critics maintain .
9 In the manual occupations it is difficult to determine a man 's actual position : a smith , for example , was a smith regardless of whether he was assessed at £2 or £20 .
10 ( 3 ) It is difficult to determine the precise relationship between actors ' aims , objectives , philosophies or perspectives on the one hand , and their activities vis-a-vis the project on the other : did the project " work " because of receptive , supportive or innovative minds , or did the project cause the development of particular frames of mind ?
11 In the sculpture it is difficult to determine what stage of metamorphosis this shape-changer has reached as it fits no equivalent passage in the poem .
12 It is difficult to determine in any precise way the contribution of elections to the maintenance of legitimacy .
13 Culpeper was famous for his optical instruments , especially microscopes , but also known for a wide variety of mathematical instruments in silver , brass , ivory , and wood , although it is difficult to determine at what point he moved from being a maker to a retailer .
14 Although it is clear that mountainous areas with few nearby notable pollution sources are receiving their pollution burden from regions or countries several hundreds or thousands of kilometres distant , it is difficult to determine precisely from which source or sources the pollution originated .
15 As Fineman acknowledges , the anecdote may not be at odds with the general sense but , as we observe with New Historicism 's use of anecdote , it is difficult to determine its relation to the general with any satisfaction .
16 I think that most hon. Members would agree that probably it is difficult to determine a strict geographic definition of Europe .
17 it is difficult to determine the appropriate group size for analysis , and therefore
18 Very often they do not , unlike many natural scientific theories , suggest direct ways of measuring the concepts employed , and , because of this , it is difficult to determine what the limits of a theory might be .
19 It is difficult to determine the contribution of intermittent therapy to the high response rate obtained in this uncontrolled study .
20 It is difficult to determine the most effective and safest solution for the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage because of the wide variation in results from different investigators and the lack of comparative or controlled trials .
21 Hence it is difficult to determine whether concordance in monozygous twins is due to shared genes or shared early environment .
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