Example sentences of "it is difficult understand " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to understand the politics within some controlling bodies without knowing all the details and it is difficult for me to comment .
2 He has guarded fiercely against the band 's tapes being made public but listening to them years on , it is difficult to understand his uneasiness and it seems a loss to fans .
3 A lot of aggressive publicity and marketing surrounds funboard design , and for the uninitiated it is difficult to understand what is going on .
4 It is difficult to understand how MAFF can substantiate this argument ; clearly the House of Lords Select Committee felt that the MAFF view had long been overtaken by events in the EEC !
5 It conformed exactly to the specification , but otherwise it is difficult to understand the award , unless it was the impressiveness of Coe 's presentation that swayed the lay judges .
6 It is difficult to understand why the judges selected his design for second prize , as the assessors had rejected it by saying that it was ‘ Too expensive and involving too great a sacrifice of property ’ , and were supported by Brunel and Burn .
7 It is difficult to understand how Donaldson , with his interest in professionalism , could become involved in such a questionable enterprise as the delegation .
8 It is difficult to understand how such selectivity can be justified , in view of the fact that these studies and their results are quite incompatible with the major theoretical thrust of the book , which is complexly cognitive in the best Binet tradition .
9 Loss of experience It is difficult to understand the logic of the move .
10 In fact , it is difficult to understand why more nesting birds do not use this defence .
11 It is difficult to understand how personal problems can be resolved by refusing to talk about them .
12 It is difficult to understand the function of gold in early Anglo-Saxon society in much greater detail .
13 Again , the precise effects of British imperial domination are inevitably matters of dispute ( Kumar and Desai , 1983 ) and it is important to emphasize that the claim here is not that the level of present development of the regions of the Third World in question is simply the outcome of their colonial experience , but that it is difficult to understand the nature of this underdevelopment and the continuing exploitation of these countries within the international economic order without a grasp of the imperial impact .
14 It is difficult to understand why the Democratic leadership should have been quite so defeatist in 1981 .
15 The 1925 — 6 excavation was poor , even by the standards of its day , but it is difficult to understand how the walls or foundations of the main structure could have been so totally overlooked .
16 A notion of power which goes beyond , say , class reductionism is obviously useful in attempting to grasp the history of the subordination of women , or the regulation of unorthodox sexualities , but if power is everywhere it is difficult to understand how it can be resisted or broken out of .
17 It is difficult to understand why Clemens Alexandrinus called him a Peripatetic ( Strom. 1.72.4 ) , but perhaps the important point is that he was assigned to a philosophic school at all , because this was quite unusual for a Jew of the second century B.C. Aristobulus quoted Greek writers — authentic or forged — to support the truth of the Bible and the dependence of the Greeks on Jewish wisdom .
18 ( c ) It is difficult to understand .
19 If it is difficult to understand now , it will not be any easier when the system is installed .
20 It is difficult to understand why this screen — which was presumably intended to be a close-boarded fence — was needed , as the turnpike road is some distance away , one field beyond the other side of the river .
21 It is difficult to understand how the Government can claim to be concerned about looking after the welfare of citizens when there has been a fourfold increase in the incidence of food poisoning in the past 10 years .
22 It is difficult to understand that distinction .
23 It is difficult to understand Avitus 's comment as anything other than a hyperbolic reference to the defeat of the Visigoths , and the destruction of Gothic power .
24 In other areas too , it seems that the case for Woodchester as the final pavement of a sequence of elaborations " cuts with a double-edged blade " : at the beginning of the sequence , for example , it is difficult to understand how a twenty-five year long period of development had no other local influence .
25 It is difficult to understand why the Bomber Staff was so reluctant to even consider the Ministerial direction .
26 The total loss of these aircraft and crews was the bitterest blow Bomber Command had to suffer in the entire war , and it is difficult to understand why it happened .
27 It is difficult to understand why Mark 's action was not brought to the attention of the authorities then , because his action as the captain of the aircraft dwells within many heroic and desperate actions that under normal circumstances would have been considered for high award .
28 It is difficult to understand why so many media interests voluntarily accept " D " notices : the system would not work without their support .
29 Proviso ( a ) It is difficult to understand this defence because it is already included within the statutory definition of merchantibility as it will affect the description under which the goods are sold .
30 However it is difficult to understand how the government arrives at a post-trial solution to a pre-trial problem ; unless it is their intention to lock youngsters up for three years in the new approved schools without trial .
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