Example sentences of "the same proportions [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The working-scale model included part of a farm with a stream running through and including three clamp silos from which effluent poured in exactly the same proportions as from clamps containing grass treated in different ways .
2 Either way , it was asserted , the cost would approach £350 million and the whole project could take on the same proportions as providing London with its third airport .
3 In constructing the scheme we have assumed that the division of surplus-value between unproductive consumption and accumulation would be 50 per cent each ; and also that the unproductively consumed part would be divided in the same proportions as Marx used .
4 In the abstract it may not be too difficult to acknowledge that the thinking , desiring and feeling which seem more intimately myself than my bodily motions are spontaneous , and also voluntarily controllable , in much the same proportions as the physical process of breathing , and that there has never been a moment of choice when I was not already being spontaneously pulled by them in the directions between which I chose .
5 In the happier situation where the assets are sufficient , s. 44(b) provides that debts and liabilities to persons outside the partnership are to be settled first : partners ' loans should then be repaid ; thereafter , partners ' capital contributions and finally any surplus assets should be distributed among the partners in the same proportions as they are entitled to take a share in the profits .
6 Mary Poppins , manageress of the Cramlington Fund , sold an index future , and purchased the basket of shares in the index costing £60 000 in exactly the same proportions as used in computing the index .
7 And the sample should exhibit these characteristics and variations in much the same proportions as in the total population from which the sample has been drawn .
8 This sample must be " representative " ie exhibit characteristics and variations in attitude , behaviour , purchasing capability ( etc ) ( i ) relevant to the line of market research enquiry ; ( ii ) in much the same proportions as the total population from which the sample is drawn .
9 It would not be unusual , however , to provide ( Clause 7.02 ) that new capital should be provided in the same proportions as the original contributions unless otherwise agreedwhich would at any rate provide the basis for subsequent negotiation when additional funding is found to be required .
10 The trust 's portfolio was 55 per cent invested in UK equities , with the other 45 per cent in overseas markets , practically the same proportions as last year .
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