Example sentences of "side of the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , on the other side of the same cemetery is the grave of the Burgess family , where the ashes of the spy Guy Burgess , who died in Russia , were placed .
2 Partly , this was the other side of the same coin as economic failure .
3 A door on the port side of the same bulkhead led to a combined radio-room and chart-room .
4 It will be evident that the two issues raised in this section — the appropriate level for competition policy , and the use of competition policy as a tool of industrial policy ( whether protectionist or promotional ) — are two sides of the same question .
5 These narratives can be read as two sides of the same story .
6 This idea , that private property and exploitation are just two sides of the same coin , is a central proposition of Marxist theory and is clearly expressed here .
7 Whilst the two rituals are not normally linked together , it does seem from close examination that they are connected and that they are , in analytical terms , in fact opposite sides of the same coin .
8 As the quotation shows , the two types of blood were perceived as two sides of the same coin : on the one side positive male blood and on the other negative female blood .
9 These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of this essay , the nature — culture opposition and the particular characterizations and choice of emphases here explored being one explanation for the apparent gender differentials in blood within Jewish ritual practice , and one link at least between the rite of circumcision and menstrual taboo .
10 The ‘ Hitler myth ’ and terror were in this sense two indispensable sides of the same coin , ensuring political control and mobilization behind the regime .
11 The situation will doubtless continue to change , especially as the initial euphoria over German and European unification being two sides of the same coin ( the slogan trotted out repeatedly in 1990 ) becomes increasingly ludicrous , as the cost of East Germany spirals .
12 On the other hand — and the two aspects of English attitudes could indeed be different sides of the same coin — there was an especially clear and early assumption of community obligation to support the aged poor .
13 The economics of the enterprise culture and the shape of service provision are thus integrally related , two sides of the same coin .
14 The hatred of real science and the love of quasi-science are related phenomena ; opposite sides of the same coin .
15 Love and anger , it seems , are two sides of the same coin .
16 Truth and ahi sā are two sides of the same coin .
17 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
18 Our past and present belong together like two sides of the same coin .
19 The underrating of Europe , the overrating of home , were two sides of the same coin .
20 Liberalism and nationalism are seen as two sides of the same coin .
21 Their conspicuous consumption of all that is beyond the reach of most Egyptians and their eager embrace of foreign influences is a breeding ground for political unrest and religious fundamentalism which , increasingly in Egypt , are two sides of the same coin .
22 ‘ Egotism , indifference — opposite sides of the same coin . ’
23 They are two sides of the same coin , or , let us say , being as there are so many of us , the same side of two coins .
24 For the Holy Spirit and hope are two sides of the same coin ; respectively the objective and the subjective modes in which the future is made real to us in the present .
25 Q33 " Market segmentation and product differentiation are really two sides of the same coin and businesses seek to match products to market segments . "
26 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
27 But Chinese philosophy ( well , the odd book about it , anyway ) tells him that great opportunity and great danger are two sides of the same coin .
28 As a consequence , individuals ( and many measures ) tend not to think of wealth and income as two sides of the same coin , but rather as different segments of that coin .
29 Stimson and US secretary of state Cordell Hull were convinced that world peace and prosperity were two sides of the same coin , with " unhampered trade " as a major means to those ends .
30 Conditions of sale and conditions of purchase are two different sides of the same coin .
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