Example sentences of "the [num] census be " in BNC.

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1 A longitudinal study by John Fox and Peter Goldblatt of City University , London , showed that men unemployed at the time of the 1971 census were much more likely to have died over the subsequent four years .
2 In the area of closest scrutiny only 14 per cent of males ( 45/311 ) and 19 per cent of females ( 75/390 ) aged over ten at the time of the 1861 census were living in the same house as the one they had inhabited in 1851 ; but many of them had moved only a short distance .
3 These collieries were largely responsible for Dronfield 's early industrial development , for when the 1861 census was taken 383 men , or 48 per cent of the workforce , were employed in local mines .
4 At the time of writing , the 1881 census is the latest to have been made available for public consultation because of the restriction imposed by the 100 years rule .
5 Census data are used to calculate the scores , but these may be as much as 12 years out of date ( current data were collected in 1981 ; scores based on the 1991 census are expected later this year ) .
6 The 1991 Census was the first for which imputation was nationally a major problem , although there was an undercount in 1981 in Northern Ireland .
7 The results of the 1991 census were expected in February-March 1992 .
8 The 1981 Census was estimated to have been under-counted by about half a per cent ( around two hundred thousand people ) in England and Wales as a whole and by about two and a half per cent in Inner London ( about fifty five thousand people ) .
9 Their total number at the 1981 census was about 168,000 , 90 per cent of whom are found in Serbia proper , Kosovo and Macedonia .
10 The 1911 Census was the first to ask detailed questions about fertility , child survival , and occupation ( Craig 1987 ) and to use a form of classification of social class ( Szreter 1984 ) .
11 A net outflow from the UK until the 1931 Census was followed by a period of net inward migration which culminated in the early 1960s in the peak arrivals of migrants from the ‘ new Commonwealth ’ , chiefly the Caribbean and the Indian sub-continent , reflecting a UK shortage of labour in the long ‘ post-war boom ’ .
12 Nevertheless , the 1841 census is a useful source , close in date to the start of civil registration .
13 The response rate in the 1990 census was 95.3% for establishments and 95.6% for residents ( enumeration of establishments was complete in 1979 ) .
14 Dr Pamela Horn has estimated that about a fifth of the Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire lacemakers who were recorded in the 1851 census were under the age of fifteen .
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