Example sentences of "the [noun] set about " in BNC.

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1 For the people as a whole , therefore , the destruction of the Temple and the exile to Babylon came to be viewed as a dramatic realization of these doom prophecies , and proof of the absolute power of the jealous God Yahweh , and — harnessing these concepts to their own pragmatic ends — the exiles set about ridding themselves of all impurity in an effort to regain his favour .
2 Following the return to work , the Banks set about introducing Lunch-time Opening .
3 Begun under the Labour government of Mr David Lange and his Finance Minister , Mr ( now Sir ) Roger Douglas , the reforms set about dismantling the generous subsidies to farming , New Zealand 's largest industry .
4 So the mandarins set about finding an alternative .
5 But having been once rebuffed , the Scandinavians set about collecting more evidence .
6 So the girls set about phoning potential and existing clients and wrapping up the business .
7 In the Corridor and those areas ceded to Poland before the plebiscite , the Poles set about a land reform and began expropriation procedures , to dispossess German farmers of land and homes .
8 The Sheriff , Mr. Truelock , was called and with two of the men set about the work of destruction .
9 The ignorance with which the outsiders set about overturning a perfectly satisfactory agricultural economy at Axholme suggests parallels with the notorious ground-nut scheme instigated in East Africa in the late 1940s .
10 By 0800 hours , most of the repair shops are humming as the tradesmen set about their various repair tasks .
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