Example sentences of "set up under the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Calero mentioned that the American revolutionaries too had front companies like those set up under the Enterprise , established in Europe to take in money from France and Spain .
2 This disclosure requirement , in turn , made possible a recommendation in June 1990 by the Innovation Advisory Board ( set up under the aegis of the Department of Trade and Industry ) that a ‘ UK R&D scoreboard by sectors and companies ’ should be drawn up .
3 The Crown Prosecution Service will ‘ continue the fight ’ to get at least limited rights of audience in the Crown Court for its lawyers once the new advisory committee for legal education and conduct is set up under the Government 's White Paper plans for the legal profession , Fiona King , a recruitment specialist at the service said yesterday .
4 ( The six-county state of Northern Ireland had been set up under the Government of Ireland Act , 1920 ) .
5 The organization was set up under the influence of the Salvadorean Communist Party , but accepted members who were not affiliated .
6 The Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct was set up under the Act to examine the practical way in which reform could be carried out .
7 In 1970 the Committee on Safety of Medicines was set up under the Act and began work in the following year … with the purpose of ‘ a. giving advice with respect to safety , quality and efficacy in relation to human use of any substance or article ( not being an instrument apparatus or appliance ) to which any provision of the Act is applicable and b. promoting the collection and investigation of information relating to adverse reaction for the purpose of enabling such advice to be given . ’
8 It was confirmed last night that Mr Lynch will work with Mr Bleasdale to plan the structure , budgets and contracts required for the ScotRail operating franchise — one of the first due to be set up under the privatisation plans .
9 Its London frontbenchers work as a team , backed by a campaign committee which was set up under the chairmanship of the shadow Commons leader , Jack Cunningham , after bad local-election results in London a year ago — and which produced the London manifesto .
10 Almost invariably , I ended up each year in front of the Star Chamber of ministers who were set up under the chairmanship of Willie Whitelaw to try to sort out the differences which remained between ministers and the Chief Secretary .
11 A Fish Association was duly set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Kent .
12 A provisional executive committee had been set up under the chairmanship of Franiszek Kaminski .
13 The judicial commission of inquiry , announced by the Prime Minister , Vere Bird Sr , on April 25 , was duly set up under the chairmanship of a British QC , Louis Blom-Cooper .
14 During the year a working party was set up under the Chairmanship of QC to look into every possible way in which the financial burden of young entrants to the Bar can be eased .
15 The Legal Academics Committee was set up under the chairmanship of QC , by the Professional Standards Committee and the JRC in November 1991 .
16 I am glad to confirm that the disabled persons transport advisory committee , which was set up under the Transport Act 1985 , exists to provide exactly the voice for which the Hon. Member called .
17 Directly after the war a special bureau the Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit was set up under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance and charged with the recovery of illegally removed works of art under the German occupation and their subsequent return to their rightful owners .
18 Origin and purpose The European Investment Bank ( EIB ) is a European Community institution set up under the Treaty of Rome in 1958 as a source of long-term finance for investment projects .
19 It came about as the result of a committee set up under the chairmanship of that impeccable Liberal , Lord Haldane , to consider ‘ The Question of Foreign Espionage in the United Kingdom ’ .
20 Even within the United Kingdom , an Act of Parliament ( the Northern Ireland Parliament , set up under the Government of Ireland Act 1920 which withheld certain powers from it ) has been held to be limited in respect of the range of authority which it conferred ( Belfast Corporation v O.D. Cars Ltd [ 1960 ] AC 490 ) .
21 They complained pursuant to section 83(1) of and paragraph 1 of Part III of Schedule 12 to , the Act to the first defendant , the ombudsman appointed under the Building Societies Ombudsman Scheme set up under the Act that their valuations had been prepared negligently by the professional valuers , who in each case were employees of the plaintiff societies , who were all members of the scheme .
22 Held , refusing the declarations , that a basic valuation prepared by an employee of a building society was an ‘ action taken by the society in relation to ’ the grant of a further advance within section 83(1) of the Act and since it constituted part of the society 's process of administration , such a valuation , if negligently prepared , could amount to maladministration within paragraph 1 ( d ) of Part III to Schedule 12 to the Act ; that , on the documentation used by the plaintiff societies , a house buyers ' valuation prepared by an employee created a contract between the society and the borrower , which if negligently prepared could amount to a breach of the society 's contractual obligation within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 ; that although the alleged want of due skill and care might relate to matters not affecting the society 's assessment of the adequacy of the security , the valuation was in reality a single process amounting to an action within section 83(1) ; and that , accordingly , the ombudsman had jurisdiction under the scheme set up under the Act to investigate and determine complaints arising out of basic valuations , house buyers ' valuations , and , since there was no relevant distinction in the nature of the contractual relationship , structural surveys by a society 's employee in the same circumstances ( post , pp. 145A–H , 150B — 151A , H — 152A ) .
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