Example sentences of "set up [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
2 You will need to ensure that system-wide logical names etc. , are properly set up on system reboot , and you will also require some symbols to be set for all your LIFESPAN users .
3 The bars have been set up on ground floor windows of Coatham Mill , a listed building .
4 The bars have been set up on ground floor windows of Coatham Mill , a listed building .
5 It was confirmed that a separate fund be set up for preservation work .
6 One microcomputer is set up for word processing and can be used by pupils at any time , another is used as a Prestel terminal and the third is available for the use of a variety of CAL programs .
7 At the same time another hierarchy might be set up for line management .
8 Speed of access may also be worse , as the links between relations are set up at run time and not at data definition time .
9 The governments ' main complaint is that for the Commission 's plan to work , a special clearing house would have to be set up to reapportion VAT revenue levied in the country of export which would be owing to that of import - where the product would be consumed .
10 Ted Wragg , describing his work as adviser to the Parliamentary Select Committee into the attainment of the school leaver ( 1976/7 ) , reports that mathematics was the topic that came up by far the most frequently in all the submissions to that Committee , and one of its recommendations was that an inquiry should be set up into mathematics teaching .
11 Novell has now ratified the certification of Russia 's newest NetWare engineers following the Moscow training session set up by Drake Training & Technologies .
12 October 92 was a particularly ‘ caring ’ edition of Shell World — equally mouthwatering photography illustrated a crisis relief centre set up by Shell Oil 's staff and dealers after Hurricane Andrew had devastated huge areas of the United States , and young entrepreneurs cheerfully at work on the Shell-initiated Livewire youth enterprise programme in Britain .
13 Work on developing a computerised database compatible with the BGS borehole database and the GIS network being set up by Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland continued .
14 A proportion of the money will be administered by local authorities , and some may go to the new environment agency set up by Environment Secretary Brice Lalonde [ see section on Environmental Politics ] .
15 But Martin Deery weighed in with number six in the closing minutes , fittingly being set up by club captain Clarke , who was brought on along with Holywood 's other French players to savour their historic championship moment .
16 This study was commissioned as an evaluation of the effectiveness of the community-based residential services set up by district health authorities with support from the Special Development Team .
17 These materials are sometimes used in combination — aluminium windows may be set up in timber sub-frame , for example , and upvc windows usually have steel reinforcement inside their box sections for extra strength .
18 Fresh air bases were set up in Bank Mine and a team of brave and dedicated doctors went underground to assist .
19 ‘ Meet Miss Ferguson and Miss Kennedy — the two vets who are setting up at Broom House . ’
20 In an attempt to boost exports , the government increased incentives to companies setting up in export processing zones .
21 It was first of all made by the Council 's planning consultants and then by the Planning Department set up under Local Government reorganisation , a department intended in part to oversee the Council 's housing policy and headed by a former employee of the Council 's erstwhile planning consultants .
22 At the close of unusually emotional debate , Sir Peter Lane , chairman of the National Union Executive Committee , agreed to recommend affiliation to the party of a model Conservative association set up in North Down .
23 So what is the interest in Olive Edis now ? j Simply that the small Norfolk town where she first set up in studio portraiture ( with her sister ) is just discovering the significance of the local photographer , Mrs Galsworthy from South Street , aka Olive Edis .
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