Example sentences of "set [adv prt] by [art] government " in BNC.

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1 According to the ADC , in the cases quoted by councils the properties by and large fulfilled all the principal criteria set down by the Government for a property suitable for occupation by older people , ie that it was let to persons over pensionable age ; access was relatively easy ; the accommodation was on level ground ; the dwelling had no more than two bedrooms ; the heating arrangements were adequate ; the property was reasonably conveniently located .
2 Yesterday , though , the independent committee set up by the Government to look at the admissibility of pre-trial video interviews of abused children called for radical changes .
3 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
4 They do this because the Milk Marketing Board , set up by the government , collects the milk from farms , wherever they are , and pays a fixed price for it .
5 A family planning association was set up by the Government in 1972 , and the Government 's First Five Year Plan proposed the promotion of several different types of birth control .
6 GILL Rowlands , the ‘ trade union rights Commissioner ’ , whose expensive Warrington office to hear complaints against trade unions was set up by the government five years ago , says 1991-92 was ‘ an encouraging year ’ .
7 Duncan Graham was the first boss of the council set up by the Government to decide what should be taught in schools .
8 ‘ Rapid Response Brigades ’ , set up by the government to deal with any sign of ‘ counter-revolution ’ , have harassed people working for human rights organisations or unofficial political opposition groups .
9 In Israel , the Landau Commission , set up by the Government , said that non-violent psychological pressures could be used , then ‘ moderate physical pressure ’ .
10 With the beginning of the war , the Emergency Medical Service ( EMS ) was set up by the Government .
11 The National Council for Vocational Qualifications was set up by the Government .
12 Fontaine had made known his intention to give evidence to the new National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation , which had been set up by the government on April 25 to investigate human right violations under the Pinochet regime .
13 These talks , boycotted or disrupted by the employers and unions since their initiation , had been set up by the government on Sept. 20 following widespread unrest in May and July [ see pp. 37450 ; 37607 ] .
14 Registration of membership for the two political parties set up by the government to participate in the transition to civilian rule , the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) and the National Republican Convention ( NRC ) , closed on May 5 , 1990 [ for their creation in October 1989 see p. 36968 ] .
15 In November 1990 the Harms Commission , set up by the government to investigate allegations of political murders , had recommended an investigation of allegations that the CCB was implicated in assassinations of ANC activists .
16 The Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( FMSM — an alliance led by Jérôme Marojama Razanabahiny of Vonjy ) , was set up by the government as a counterweight to the new opposition parties .
17 A social fund set up by the government with the World Bank would provide US$400 million for sectors of the population most vulnerable to the effects of economic reform and would help create employment for workers displaced by the Gulf War .
18 Addressing concerns expressed about the problem of lawlessness in some parts of the country which was deterring some businessmen from expanding their operations , Khan reassured them that a special force would be set up by the government specifically to protect oil installations .
19 Klebeck , 86 , had never faced trial for his many alleged crimes in the Alderney camps because the British government had not released relevant classified documents even to the war crimes inquiry set up by the government in 1988 [ see p. 36190 ] .
20 It was set up by the government to advise it on environmental policy .
21 A special unit set up by the Government has now traced more than half the cash which was spirited away by the late Robert Maxwell .
22 AN INDEPENDENT inquiry must be set up by the government to examine the risks of brain injury in boxing , doctors ' leaders said today .
23 RENFE , according to one estimate , had seen some forty study commissions by the early 1980s ( Nueva Empresa , no. 193 , 15 October 1983 ) , and a major commission of inquiry set up by the government reported in 1984 ( CEFE 1984 ) .
24 NAMAS , specialists in the field of laboratory techniques , was set up by the government to raise and maintain the standards of laboratory work .
25 He says that the incinerator conforms to strict new guiidlines about air pollution set down by the Government .
26 The Council sets the level of Council Tax and Water Charge for a Band D property and charges for each other band are in accordance with the prescribed formula set out by the Government .
27 The overall economic picture was more gloomy than that set out by the government in November when it first put forward measures aimed at reversing the country 's economic decline [ see pp. 38587-88 ] and what it called the mismanagement by the previous Social Democratic administration .
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