Example sentences of "set [adv] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The so-called Endeavour Accord , which provided for the immediate lifting of the blockade and for the restoration of communications , education , health and power services , was reached after the two sides agreed to set aside the independence question for further talks within the next eight weeks .
2 That 's if we 're not going to set off the alarm system ! ’
3 After a few months he had borrowed enough money to set up a drug store in Sydney .
4 Simple commands have been used to set up a recording system , add data to it , change its structure and produce reports .
5 ICI has said that all halon production will cease by 1995 , and supports government intervention through regulation and financial incentives to set up a halon bank linked to an international regulatory system .
6 We 're going to set up a safari park in the back garden and cream teans on the lawn
7 By lining a perforated box with filter matting , covering with a layer of gravel , and filling with planting media and bog plants it 's possible to set up a vegetable filter over the back of a tank .
8 ‘ I 'm hoping to set up a river watch for the Skerne with one of the schools to monitor the wildlife and pollution , ’ said Mr Dods .
9 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
10 To set up a Publicity Sub Group to support the Steering Group .
11 The move follows the announcement in July by the International Stock Exchange that it intended to set up a clearing house to handle existing and projected settlement services in London .
12 The position of the Socialist Unity Party — Party of Democratic Socialism ( SED-PDS — since December the new name of the communist Socialist Unity Party or SED — see pp. 37107-09 ) had been badly damaged over its controversial attempt to set up a successor organization to the hated State Security police or " Stasi " .
13 You would need to set up a system drill .
14 The Foreign Ministers of member states of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) , meeting in Helsinki in March [ see p. 38841 ] , agreed to set up a peace conference in Minsk comprising 10 CSCE members ( Armenia , Azerbaijan , Czechoslovakia , France , Germany , Italy , Russia , Sweden , Turkey and USA ) and with the participation of a delegation from Nagorny Karabakh .
15 The agreement to set up a peace conference followed a meeting of senior CSCE officials in Prague on Feb. 28 , which proposed a peace plan recognizing that Nagorny Karabakh belonged to Azerbaijan but proposing that it should be allowed self-determination .
16 For any effective right of tax-diversion would require legislation to set up a Peace Tax Fund ; to prescribe the uses to which tax resources diverted into the fund might be put ; and to authorise the Inland Revenue Commissioners to take into account a person 's conscientious beliefs in determining which account that person 's taxes should be paid into .
17 One of the first changes Laura made to Rhydoldog was to set up a telex room and offices at the end of the corridor on the ground floor .
18 Youth Club In the junior section there has been a steady attendance and it has been necessary to set up a waiting list .
19 Youth Club In the junior section there has been a steady attendance and it has been necessary to set up a waiting list .
20 Although law reform was at hand , the government found it politic in 1977 to set up a Home Office Committee on Obscenity , Indecency , Violence and Film Censorship under the Chairmanship of the Cambridge Professor of Philosophy , Bernard Williams .
21 I am therefore planning to set up a Council Tax enquiry line and a small team to deal with all enquiries .
22 The main aim of their eight-week-long visit is to learn enough to set up a consultancy centre at the university as the Czechs , unused to the rising unemployment they now face , do not have the knowhow to cope with such upheaval .
23 However , there is an attempt to set up a message desk , where if your phone , at the moment , switchboard will put calls through to you , if you do n't answer by a certain number of rings , it will either divert to another number or come back to the switchboard .
24 Although most archives encourage the crossing of disciplinary boundaries by researchers it is sometimes useful to set up a specialist unit for a particular group of researchers within the umbrella of a generalist archive .
25 Then , influenced by his aunt Naomi Treen ( née Cubitt ) , a teacher at an elementary school practising Pestalozzian methods , he obtained in 1851 the post of master at Holy Trinity National School , Lambeth , where the progressive vicar , the Revd James Gillman , allowed him to pioneer revolutionary teaching methods in natural history and to set up a school museum .
26 He secured some West Riding support for what came to him to be a cause , but his own town , proud of its independence in educational provision , was reluctant to set up a school board after the Education Act of 1870 .
27 According to Computerwoche , not only will both companies ' support teams work together , but the two also intend to set up a Competence Centre at Pyramid Technology GmbH 's headquarters in Grasbrunn near Munich .
28 as smokers but coming on to th the real point of the experiment was n't to look at fitness , and was n't just to set up a stop smoking project , but what I wanted to look at was whether people gain weight or not .
29 At a time when it had not yet developed a project portfolio , it was concerned with such questions as how to set up a broadcasting system which would serve society as a whole rather than merely serving governments and the ruling elites .
30 This command tells it to set up a storage area called Employees and to allocate space for Employee Number , Name , Department and any other items specified .
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