Example sentences of "run [adv] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Loud cries of surprise from the hall made them run out of the cloakroom , where they were trying to find their coats and berets .
2 Charles told her about his movements on the Sunday night , concluding , ‘ … so it must have been the arrival of Nigel 's car that made me run out of the place . ’
3 Nearly all the children went to orthodox hostels run independently of the Movement .
4 Albert would no doubt shrug philosophically , and say that his analysis concedes that the hare will sometimes run ahead of the tortoise .
5 Looking around her as if she thought someone was going to run out of the field behind her and save her , she saw that the man was much nearer .
6 He compounded this appalling error of judgement by standing up to applaud the winners , a misguided attempt at gallantry which resulted in me trying to run out of the stadium and refusing to talk to him all the way home .
7 After only a minute of play or painting or whatever he should have been doing , he would leave his place , then snatch toys , kick children , overturn furniture and try to run out of the nursery .
8 I wanted to run out of the room , back to South London , where I belonged , out of which I had wrongly and arrogantly stepped .
9 She threw an agonised , reproachful look at Ruth and seemed about to run out of the room , but with three words Ernest stopped her .
10 She wanted to run out of the room , to get away from that intent gaze , but stopped herself .
11 The tip of the syringe is then inserted from the side of the mouth , and the plunger gently depressed so as not to cause the medication to run out of the mouth .
12 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
13 She pictured Benjamin waiting for the food to run out of the cupboard and into the frying pan , and smiled .
14 The barman was by now mellow and helpful and said we were rapidly running out of the ice that had come aboard in bags in Sudbury .
15 ‘ Ricotta , ’ he explained , opening the bag for them to inspect the fluffy white mound with the whey still running out of the cheese paper .
16 If anything was growing at an alarming rate , it was the network of railway lines running out of the centre of London to outlying suburbs .
17 The next minute she was running out of the yard and into the street again and into the shelter of the doorway leading into the hat shop .
18 but I 'm , I 'm rapidly running out of the allowance erm she appears to be satisfied
19 . With this little foreman threatening fists and everybody running out of the way of the brickwork .
20 Wizzo ! ’ yelled Zach , leaping up and running out of the kitchen , ‘ Calloo , calloo , calloo , callay . ’
21 The bear goes aargh ! and the man 's running out of the pub really fast , he 's running like that .
22 O'Hara asked , and Stella accepted at once , almost running out of the restaurant , scarcely bothering to wave a farewell to the others who were now giddily swaying across the dance floor .
23 At seven-thirty she had started the engine of the Subaru when he came running out of the house .
24 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
25 ‘ Goodnight , ’ she said , almost running out of the lift to her room and shaking with relief when she closed and locked the door behind her .
26 It was all due to that person running out of the crowd .
27 Her mouth was a little open and there was a watery trickle running out of the side of her mouth .
28 Just then Angela , who had seen her crossing the field , came running out of the farmhouse .
29 The day when the search guards were given orders to act roughly , and the little R.A.S.C. captain who came running out of the block with his mouth still bleeding from a blow with a rifle butt .
30 I remember running out of the room , running to my parents and lots of hugs and emotion and it was great .
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