Example sentences of "run [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time , for instance , for five or seven years .
2 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
3 Lions are strong but can not run for a long time .
4 Membership can run for a full year or for a half year ( either January 1 — June 30 or July 1 to December 31 ) .
5 This will run for a 3 month trial period and will be reviewed after this period .
6 Now as it approaches the witching hour of um the witching hour of ten to ten I suggest we all go and run about a little bit for for ten minutes and I 'll do something about some of the emotional effects and some of the therapies in the next hour for all those who 're interested hello tape recorder , there 'll be another hour in a minute .
7 Henry will run through a few soul favourites , backed by the Womack & Womack Band .
8 They are extremely economic and can run as a single generator , providing heat , hot water and electricity , or as part of a district heating system where a network of houses or commercial buildings are linked up .
9 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
10 And the first thing I have to say a about the way the the place runs , is that it does n't run like an ordinary museum , nor does it run like and ordinary house .
11 Parallel processing and object-oriented programming are the waves of the future , and so Object Databases Inc , the US arm of Saint Quentin en Yvelines , France-based 's Intellitic International SA , is in a mood to celebrate following the news that it has been invited to implement its Matisse object-oriented database for Waltham , Massachusetts-based Kendall Square Research Inc 's KSR/1 family of general-purpose highly parallel systems , which run under a parallel version of OSF/1 ( CI No 2,162 ) .
12 Run under a voluntary basis by the National War Museum Association , the Museum is hopes to expand one day .
13 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have successfully completed their project to bring the Macintosh system to mainstream computing , but no decision has yet been made on a commercial follow-up : Novell chief financial officer James Tolonen says the companies wanted to see whether Macintosh System could run atop a different operating system and on a different chip , yet still maintain the user-friendly features of the Apple system .
14 Tolonen said the companies wanted to see whether Macintosh System could run atop a different operating system and on a different chip , yet still maintain the user-friendly features of the Apple system .
15 We expect to raise many thousands of pounds and are hoping it will run into a second edition and provide the ACA with money well into the future . ’
16 I think there 's been a lot , a lot of publicity for childline , now , but you are n't directly in , associated with childline Fjn Well , we 've had , no , we 've had to call ourselves children 's line because for er obvious reasons we ca n't call ourselves childline , but it is the same type of thing , er run in a similar way , not exactly the same of course er partly because we have n't got the money that childline er attracts .
17 At the end of her street , she 'd run in a mad panic , pelting round to the back door .
18 Jovellanos say in a House of Lords the only wall that could stem the tide towards democracy that would run in a single chamber .
19 Every so often a mongrel dog would run from a mud-brick farmhouse and race the train furiously .
20 The type of material used for this project is up to the whims of the individual , and may run from a soft cedar to the more expensive hardwoods , or a combination of woods , depending on the grain pattern and colour contrasts desired .
21 run to a different door .
22 The ubiquity of Unix means they run on a wide range of platforms , but there is still only a minimal amount of interoperability between them .
23 The ubiquity of Unix means they run on a wide range of systems , but there is still only a minimal amount of interoperability between them .
24 Run on an open-access basis , it includes very basic literacy/numeracy skills , to 0-level standard .
25 The gutter is supported at frequent intervals on brackets which can be raised or lowered to determine its ‘ fall ’ , and gutters must run to a good fall and should be cleaned at least annually to free them of leaves and mud ; they must not sag between brackets .
26 We could n't quite run to a good boarding-school , so we chose Burleigh . ’
27 Small meetings , regular get-togethers of people who mostly know each other , are not so much my concern here , because they will probably run to an agreed format and be fairly self-contained .
28 They are said to be very fast over the first 40 yards , and the advice offered by the locals is that you should run on a zig-zag course if one of them takes a fancy to you .
29 Recognition Research for example has a Windows-based package , Autonets , which can run on a personal computer .
30 Geographical Information Systems that can run on a personal computer are now becoming available ; examples are SPANS and PC-ARC/INFO .
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