Example sentences of "write off [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Too often his reputation as an architect has been written off on the basis of very late works which were more the work of his nephew , MacVicar Anderson , and his chief clerk , Colling , under his direction .
2 The Bank would require £5 to be written off at the time of sale and if the £5 was not injected as cash on day one , would even disallow the sale treatment .
3 Costs which do not qualify as issue costs should be written off to the profit and loss account as incurred .
4 General seismic and other expenditures not connected with a specific exploration licence are written off to the profit and loss account immediately .
5 Advance corporation tax not recoverable against the mainstream corporation tax liability for the current or previous years is written off to the profit and loss account unless its future recovery can be foreseen .
6 All expenditure on research and development including the cost of patents and trade marks is written off to the profit and loss account in the year in which it is incurred .
7 The SORP requires that advances should be written off to the extent that it appears there is no realistic prospect of recovery .
8 In the consolidated p&l account , the gain is nil — the difference between the proceeds of £2.1m less the fair value of the assets of £1.8m plus the goodwill of £0.3m , previously written off to the merger reserve .
9 Here the desires of the vendor and Newco may converge because the problem for Newco in acquiring goodwill is that it will reduce Newco 's distributable profits as it must be written off in the profit and loss account , unless it can be written off against the share premium account .
10 Substantial debts were written off by the Government during the change
11 Hunt 's appearance represents a career reprieve — he was dropped when Keegan arrived , and then practically written off by the manager .
12 It was the perfect response from Mike Walker 's side after Saturday 's 3-0 defeat at Wimbledon which once again saw the East Anglians being written off in the title stakes .
13 The recognition that children can not simply be written off in the rationality stakes and can not therefore be denied autonomy on this account has led some writers to conclude that they can not , therefore , be denied it on any account .
14 Otherwise ACT is written off in the profit and loss account .
15 Here the desires of the vendor and Newco may converge because the problem for Newco in acquiring goodwill is that it will reduce Newco 's distributable profits as it must be written off in the profit and loss account , unless it can be written off against the share premium account .
16 The goodwill was fully written off in the year of acquisition and has been excluded from the calculation of profit on disposal ( see note 28 ) .
17 The expenditure concerned therefore will be written off in the year in which it is incurred .
18 The 25-year-old Dublin soldier had been virtually written off in the welterweight division .
19 The cars were written off in the accident , but both drivers amazingly walked away with just minor cuts and bruises .
20 so it was written off in the end .
21 I think just the fact that my wife knew what was going on , and knew the problems exactly you know , they had their own meetings and the food parcels that they could organize , you know I would n't have a clue how to go about it , the fact that various shops refused to have collection points inside , and they wrote off to the management of these shops and got that changed .
22 I gave Owen 's parents the address of the Hyperactive Children 's Support Group ( HACSG ) and suggested they write off for the HACSG diet sheet ( based on the Feingold diet ) .
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