Example sentences of "start [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The magic starts with a further Grundfos whose inlet rests on top of the gravel bed .
2 The interdigestive cycle of motor activity , or migrating motor complex , starts from the lower oesophagus and migrates but ends in the terminal ileum .
3 So er well If you want to tell me , if I was starting as a riveter boy , right , if I was wanting to start as a riveter boy , what would I do ?
4 So er well If you want to tell me , if I was starting as a riveter boy , right , if I was wanting to start as a riveter boy , what would I do ?
5 I suggest starting with a cheaper jacket until you get hooked — and you can always wear it at weekends afterwards .
6 I 'm starting with the smaller accessories , since they often seem to be passed over .
7 It means we 're starting from a better baseline than if we were simply dealing with health services budget and social work 's budget and what the voluntary sector has managed to pull together .
8 Italy could also perform better than the EC average of 3% as could Spain — with the admitted advantage of starting from a smaller base .
9 They had wanted to begin with a bushplane tailor-made to the unique requirements of their own rugged country , but advised to start on a simpler trainer , their first design was the DHC–1 Chipmunk .
10 It 's a very clean , so side effects are very very rare , that 's right , Now we , I 'm going to give you two sizes , cos you need to start on the lower dose first .
11 In practice it pays to start on the bigger warren systems rather than on the smaller isolated burrows with their limited number of entrances and bolt-holes .
12 So , on that basis , it makes good sense to start on the bigger warrens .
13 A worried Bank of England used the weekend to negotiate for the Portuguese currency to start at a higher level than that planned on Friday , but it clearly was not high enough for the pound .
14 To allow pupils to start at an earlier age , teaching will start in P6 , though our system is designed to cope with entrants at P7 and S1 as well .
15 In this world of stress , artificial air and ultraviolet rays , ‘ dry ’ skin is a problem for more and more women , starting at an earlier age .
16 The Commandment anticipates The Form but is less comprehensive in its analysis , whereas in Ego Dormio although he does not borrow Victorine terminology for his analysis , he nevertheless outlines a growth in religious experience similar to that in The Form but starting at an earlier stage in religious life .
17 If you start with the harder work , those rabbits that are not killed will move into the smaller systems .
18 While it was too early to be optimistic about 1993/94 , the year had started on a better note , he said .
19 But in the same period the Government has increased the rate of national insurance contributions from 6.5 to 9 per cent , and , because these rates start at a lower threshold than taxation , the net effect has been to mitigate the changes in income tax .
20 The main , and best , façade , the one seen from Via Torino from where the church entrance is reached , was started by an earlier architect , but in an assumed battle between the early man and Bramante the latter won the day , completing the work seen today .
21 We will start with a better squad than last season .
22 Erm , let's start with the simpler issues though , that mentioned at the beginning .
23 Potency must start with the lower degrees ( LM 1–6 ? ) and proceed to the higher levels §246
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