Example sentences of "start [verb] at the same " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the video head drum , which rotates 1500 times a minute , stops dead and starts spinning at the same speed in the opposite direction .
2 Now we start to look at the same stitch types again , but this time used as a double bed knitting techniques .
3 Local residents again pointed out that so far all the dust that had blown had come from one three-acre section of the lake : ‘ The worry is that if it 's not attended to and if the entire 150 acres rise up and start blowing at the same time it could be a national disaster .
4 By now two people would have started talking at the same moment .
5 The three men start to speak at the same time .
6 On the TBM everything can be done simultaneously : emergency oxygen on , power back to idle and start to dive at the same moment .
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