Example sentences of "help but [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The battles he won at such a cost to his health that he could n't help but lose the war in the end .
2 Try as she might to sound polite but distant , she could n't help but hear the ice in her own normally warm voice , and that annoyed her .
3 I could n't help but imagine the scene of panic and desperation that must have taken place a few hours earlier - the young dolphin fighting and dying in a few frantic spasms , its grieving mother well able to defend her child from sharks but helpless against a silent , resisting wall of nylon . ’
4 She says we could n't help but remember the sort of thumping speeches
5 Moreover , as Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) have shown , all stylistic choices , whether they be choices among linguistically determined possibilities or decisions about degrees of explicitness , are governed by the aim of optimising relevance , and can not help but reveal the speaker 's assumptions about the hearer 's contextual resources and processing abilities.7 Consider the difference between [ 18a ] and [ 18b ] : There is no difference in import .
6 Peter Shillinglaw , secretary of New Brighton Lifeboat which had to go into action a few times , said : ‘ I can not help but think the organisers of this race have been very , very lucky over the years . ’
7 The piece was written in good taste but could n't help but leave the reader wondering just what had made Morrissey so paranoid .
8 But Le Tissier said : ‘ You ca n't help but admire the bloke .
9 Managers and engineers could not help but admire the assiduity and skill with which he could wear down his opponents in discussion , but for many of them this approach conflicted with other managerial values .
10 One could not help but admire the perspicacity and ability of this dapper little man with the thick glasses and the easy smile .
11 Seeing the cramped , coffin-like quarters in which fifty men had to live , eat , sleep and fight , often in appalling weather for up to six weeks at a time and knowing how marginal were their chances of survival , I could n't help but admire the resolution that had kept them fighting , their morale undimmed , until the very end .
12 As I eat I can not help but notice the Frenchman attending to the pig ; he has now cut the animal 's throat and has set alight to the straw , the flames and smoke engulfing the unfortunate pig .
13 Dane leaned forwards to stir the fire and , even in her confused state of mind , Shannon could n't help but notice the man 's innate grace of movement .
14 Reading brochures and newspapers these days , you ca n't help but notice the amount of ‘ buzzwords ’ that are commonly used .
15 erm when I was looking at this , this picture of the , of the Brettan Girls , I erm , I was really particularly struck by the bo , the mild head of one of the dancers and the fact that she was rubbing her , her heal , erm and it gave me a voice for , for this poem , I was also drawn by the dismissal , there 's a goose in the painting , there 's four , four geese and one of them is dismissing the , the , the winner outright and erm I found his look very , very interesting and , and I could n't help but compare the lies of these four dancers with those within erm from the later period as the eye that , that , that Gaugin painted later on .
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