Example sentences of "help [pn reflx] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Morris helped himself to a couple of lungfuls of cigarette smoke .
2 He strolled towards the table and helped himself to a biscuit off Ari 's plate .
3 But Evans merely grinned and helped himself to a stool from under a neighbouring table .
4 Jake smiled , quite unperturbed by her sarcasm , and helped himself to a shortbread biscuit .
5 Otley made me some hot milk and honey and helped himself to a cheese and pickle sandwich and a mug of strong coffee .
6 ‘ It 's not enjoyment , it 's ecstasy , ’ he replied , and helped himself to a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter .
7 He helped himself to a glass of mango juice before he replied .
8 –Full-back Gary Culling , who excels in getting into scoring positions , also helped himself to a brace in the 45th and 61st minutes .
9 Lee Chapman helped himself to a hat-trick in that 6-1 victory but the onslaught really stemmed from Wednesday 's failure to cut out Dorigo 's overlapping runs .
10 Vitor helped himself to a slice of gammon .
11 He downed one tankard and , when the friar nodded , helped himself to the second .
12 ‘ So he went down , ’ said Frome , as if puzzling it out , ‘ and he helped himself to the headmaster 's sherry . ’
13 Uncle Philip broke the armour off a pink battalion of shrimps and ate them steadily , chewed through a loaf of bread spread with half a pound of butter and helped himself to the lion 's share of the cake while gazing at her with expressionless satisfaction , apparently deriving a certain pleasure from her discomfort , or even finding that the sight of it improved his appetite .
14 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
15 Reaching over the ink-black counter , she helped herself to a tumbler of Spanish coñac and drank it between shaking teeth .
16 Elaine handed her friend a bottle of Banks ' and helped herself to a glass of wine .
17 ‘ Pity she could n't be with us , ’ said Mrs Harper , dangerously : but Shirley had n't the energy to fight back , she helped herself to a spoonful of sage and onion stuffing and sat down to begin her meal .
18 ‘ Hallo , ’ said the Englishman as she helped herself to a mug of courtesy coffee at the desk .
19 She helped herself to a slice of banana bread , which she was about to eat as Stephen and James wandered onto the terrace .
20 She reached out and helped herself to an almond pastry .
21 She , too , helped herself to an almond pastry .
22 The gang helped themselves to a video , leather jacket , private letters plus bits and pieces to the tune of £1,000 before fleeing .
23 Thieves helped themselves to a number of televisions off the back of a lorry parked at Woodside Cafe , at Knayton , near Thirsk , while the driver had his breakfast .
24 Eventually , the bloody turf wars ceased , and for a long time the authorities either winked at their illegal trade or even helped themselves to the till .
25 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
26 On the first day , Chris left out a bowl of fruit and the children — unused to seeing such a wide variety — helped themselves to the lot .
27 I went through to the dining-room and helped myself to a pint of the neuron-friendly punch Uncle Hamish always made for the event .
28 I filed them neatly in the waste basket and helped myself to a cigarette .
29 As I helped myself to a cigarette from the depleted pack I was turning over some of what he 'd told me .
30 Then I helped myself to a cigarette .
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