Example sentences of "help [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Government are helping to support the idea that coal is a pollutant but that nuclear power is green friendly and that gas is green friendly .
2 We should be helping to conserve the environment and discouraging the unnecessary destruction of trees . ’
3 Shortly before this , the GCC foreign ministers had met in Riyadh and issued a communiqué : ( a ) ‘ drawing attention to the threats issued by Iran against member states [ which ] … created a climate of tension … helping to shake the security and stability of the region ’ ; and ( b ) affirming ‘ the adherence of its member states to the policy of preserving the region 's neutrality and resisting any action liable to carry the Gulf into the cycle of international rivalry ’ .
4 As symbols of dominance , these displays demanded a spectacular setting , and soon every great city of the industrialized world possessed a museum whose cathedral-like setting helped to confirm the role that science had usurped as the source of moral authority in the modern world .
5 J.P.G. Freeman credits them with a " modest " influence when they helped to persuade the Americans that agreement with the USSR was dependent on the exclusion of West Germany from direct control over nuclear arms .
6 There were other more prosaic influences which helped to mould the crucible as well as Green 's life .
7 The former is itself a fascinating tale that will surely be told in full elsewhere , of how interested parties helped to orchestrate the episode and stimulate financial investments in ways that have been widely criticised in the scientific community .
8 Using so many spices helped to disguise the fact that the food was often far from fresh .
9 Afterwards she helped to clear the table and to carry the pots through into a lean-to kitchen , the room in which they had eaten being the best parlour .
10 After I 'd got used to the idea I helped to count the sticks and tie them up in bundles .
11 The French revolution and the Napoleonic armies helped to spread the concepts and values required to constitute a Polish nationalism among a section of the Polish nobility in exile .
12 Robson 's mere presence against Oldham , Arsenal and Manchester City helped to turn the tide but Ferguson will be reluctant to disturb the impressive combination that beat Norwich .
13 They helped to overcome the notion that many children had that bookshops were daunting places .
14 Furthermore , in forging a connection between juvenile employment and education , they helped to portray the transition as essentially an educational rather than a trade process .
15 I helped to milk the cows and then took them out to the field .
16 I found that raising the volume helped to improve the realism but I would have like more presence and crisper definition .
17 And so Ian went north to Barnsley but , after completing another century of appearances for The Tykes , his link with Palace was re-established in June 1984 when he joined Steve Coppell as Assistant Manager here at Selhurst Park , and helped to fashion the team that restored 1st Division football at The Palace in 1989 , although by the time of Palace 's promotion , Ian had taken over as Manager of Swansea City .
18 Both Societies would like to express their thanks to the many people who loaned exhibits or gave their time helping to organise the events and providing refreshments .
19 May we play our small part in helping to alleviate the poverty and suffering of the world .
20 I would agree that social scientists have probably helped to sustain the myth but not that we have created it : the power of social science is not that significant .
21 Later in August 52 members of the outlawed Egyptian Communist Workers ' Party ( ECWP ) were arrested ( see p. 36861 ) , some of whom were prominent members of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights ( EOHR ) , who had helped to publicise the arrests and alleged torture of workers from the Helwan plant .
22 Many people had called offering to help to search the area and some suggested that their sons could be used in a reconstruction of James 's disappearance from the Strand .
23 The desperate image of both skins and punks has helped to create the impression that these subcultures are completely untouched by ‘ commercial ’ influences .
24 I will be working closely with Brian Eyre over coming months to help to create the climate that will lead to favourable decisions about our future .
25 But Bob explains that he has special personal reasons for wanting to help to express the gratitude that he felt when he was in dire trouble himself , thousands of miles from home , and was baled out by the kindness of strangers .
26 While the discussions of partnership in validation were taking place in the late 1970s , therefore , the CNAA had had some decade and a half of validation experience , but the rapid expansion of subject areas and such relatively recent developments as the DipHE and modular courses , and the uncertainties surrounding public sector higher education in a swiftly changing economic climate , all helped to strengthen the view that the Council should not move too rapidly into a higher gear of change .
27 Television programmes during the day time encouraging grooming and self-presentation at interviews also helped to reinforce the idea that it is the individual 's fault .
28 Parents need to be helped to understand the problem and not punish the child for not getting to the lavatory in time ( Schmitt 1982a ) .
29 From a purely philosophical point of view , teachers who have been cut off from the mainstream of educational activity should be helped to understand the dynamism that underlies a teacher 's personal development , the rapid changes in teaching situations and accepted methodologies , and also the changes which the target languages themselves are undergoing .
30 Avionics now forms a substantial part of modern aircraft systems and the introduction of BITE to many of these has helped to reduce the number and types of diagnostic check required to determine system operating status .
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