Example sentences of "when it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To break up the Union now would diminish our influence for good in the world , just at the time when it is most needed .
2 As a result of this development the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher is sometimes unavailable at times when it is most needed , i.e .
3 The solution is to enjoy staring at the cat at moments when it is not staring back .
4 Increased usage of the VSOE Pullman train for repeat itinerary charter work on days when it is not required for the Folkestone run , has given prospective passengers some further options .
5 It provides attenuation of potential difference represented by when it is negligibly loaded .
6 Between July 1988 , when it is now known the department knew of at least seven cases , and August 1989 , when Geoffrey Dear , the Chief Constable of the West Midlands , purged his CID department — moving 39 serving and former squad officers into administrative roles — at least two more men were convicted on the basis of disputed confession evidence .
7 The , the thing is that I 've been concerned for some time when it 's finally helped , f f found for next month , because
8 Yeah that 's when it 's actually paid .
9 ‘ But you 'll let us know when it 's about to start , wo n't you ? ’
10 This church took the old name of St. Lawrence and served the people of Upper Halling until October 21st 1971 , when it was officially closed , being finally pulled down on Friday the 10th May 1974 .
11 The riots continued for three days , climaxing on 7 June when it was finally quelled and the half-mad leader of the Protestant Association Lord George Gordon taken to the Tower .
12 They obtained an injunction which prevented compulsory observation from June 1981 to January 1984 , when it was finally overturned by the Court of Appeal .
13 " Town " or coal gas was produced in London from the early 19th century until the 1970s , when it was finally replaced by natural gas .
14 On the day when it was finally completed , and erected , as they watched , " the cloud covered the rent of meeting , and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle " ( Exodus 40:34 ) .
15 By 1948 , when it was finally killed , the poor law was all but dead already .
16 Ruby and her naughty overtones were first used to advertise Sandeman 's port in 1968 , when it was already becoming clear that a younger drinking market needed to be cultivated .
17 Most of this was heathland until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when it was largely enclosed .
18 It was sold successively to John Bennett and Thomas Roberts , in whose family it remained until 1782 , when it was again sold , this time to William Read , who leased the mills ( in 1805 ) to Butlin and Co .
19 Just as The Waste Land had once been taken as the expression of a " disillusioned " generation , in spite of Eliot 's disavowals of any such intention , so " East Coker " seemed to be an expression of historical continuity at a time when it was most threatened : the retreat from France in May of that year aroused fears of a German invasion of England itself .
20 If the relationship between recall and other measures is entirely mediated by characteristics of the different junctions we would expect to find that within an individual junction there would be no consistent differences between those occasions when it was recalled and those when it was not recalled on any of the other variables .
21 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
22 Although I would have kept all the notes and drafts and I could , therefore , reconstruct how a poem is written , it 's my experience that once it 's been written it 's very hard for me to imagine back to the time when it was n't written .
23 In 1845 the line was bought by the North British Railway for £113,000 , the gauge changed to 4′ 8½ inches ( 1.43m ) , and the horses and inclined plane replaced by steam locomotives upon reopening in July 1847 when it was also connected via Portobello to Edinburgh Waverley , and the route past Dalhousie was eventually extended to Carlisle to form the ‘ Waverley Line ’ .
24 Beveridge had presented his report in 1942 at a time when it was overwhelmingly agreed that there should be no return to the conditions of the 1930s .
25 The Begum family had rung a pizza delivery service three times on Saturday night when it was late delivering to their home in Heelands in Milton Keynes .
26 For the first time population could increase with a declining grain price and a less than commensurate food output , subsisting on grain imports paid for by manufactures ; ‘ It is one of the most striking ironies of intellectual history that Malthus should have fashioned his analysis just at the time when it was about to cease to be applicable to the country in which he lived ’ ( Wrigley 1986 ) .
27 The restoration was singled out for praise in 1986 when it was highly commended by the Association of Railway Preservation Societies .
28 The restoration was singled out for praise in 1986 when it was highly commended by the Association of Railway Preservation Societies .
29 They could expect takeover bids when the company was more firmly established , but not when it was still learning to walk .
30 Because he has failed to offer a clear-cut criterion for the rejection of any coherent research programme , or for choosing between rival research programmes , one might wish to say , with Feyerabend , that Lakatos 's methodology is ‘ a verbal ornament , as a memorial to happier times when it was still thought possible to run a complex and often catastrophic business like science by following a few simple and ‘ rational ’ rules ’ .
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