Example sentences of "when [noun] 's [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , the afternoon when Twomey 's touch with the tea tray 's unfolding legs , successful for forty years , failed him , and teapot , Spode teacups , scones , sandwiches and blackcurrant jam crashed to the floor .
2 This was during a time when Taiwan 's exports to Malaysia were increasing rapidly .
3 Kael joined the magazine in 1968 and remains there to this day , her tenure only briefly interrupted in 1978 when Paramount 's offer of a consulting job tempted her to Hollywood .
4 I said that I could not imagine being an atheist at any time before 1859 , when Darwin 's Origin of Species was published .
5 By 1857 when Agassiz 's Essay on Classification appeared , as an introduction to a never-completed work on the natural history of the USA , it was already difficult to believe that Noah 's flood had really been a world-wide catastrophe with animals surviving two by two ; indeed Agassiz 's work on ice ages had involved reinterpretation of data that seemed evidence of the Flood .
6 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
7 ‘ At a time when Scotland 's supply of quality players is limited , McCoist can make this tie less of a banana skin than it looks , ’ said Roxburgh , who freely admits he would rather his team were playing Germany , Italy or the Netherlands .
8 The launch comes at a time when Rover 's share of the record UK car market is slipping .
9 So , in 1125 , when Clito 's violation of the Ypres fair peace provided an excuse , the burghers of Ghent sent to Bruges for support in pressing the claims of Thierry of Alsace .
10 Both appeared to be insuperable problems until the evening when Clarissa 's change of plan for the sixth or seventh time put a pattern into perspective .
11 They should learn to recognise when people 's attitudes to language use , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , reveal misunderstandings about the nature of language change .
12 By contrast , the present day is seen as a time when people 's sense of duty and responsibility is much weaker , so that they are less prepared to acknowledge obligation or to take responsibility for kin .
13 Ironically , the sale of Manton comes at a time when Sangster 's fortunes on the track are looking up .
14 Days lost from 1987 to 1991 average 126 per 1,000 employees — a 70 per cent drop against the 1982–86 period , when Britain 's record for industrial strikes was among the worst in the Community .
15 The jobless question cropped up earlier this year when Darlington 's status as an intermediate development area prompted a public row between the two biggest rivals .
16 THERE was a time when children 's books in Welsh were drab and uninteresting , but that is no longer the case .
17 Pereira 's defeat had been widely predicted following the rout of his nominally Marxist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( PAICV ) in the first multiparty legislative elections , on Jan. 13 , when Monteiro 's Movement for Democracy ( MPD ) won 56 of the 79 seats in the National People 's Assembly [ see p. 37948 ] .
18 At a time when America 's interest in British pop was at an all-time low , the label failed to produce one significant hit .
19 In contrast to 1956 , when Khruschev 's call for reform in the East had soon led to a Soviet clampdown , Gorbachev 's desire for change included an acceptance of political pluralism .
20 Similarly , the pre-First World War diction now creates moments of unintentional comedy , as when the figure of Christ says to John , ‘ You must play fair , ’ or when John 's plunge into the pool of faith is described as ‘ he took a header ’ .
21 There were complaints when Hitler 's speech to the Party ‘ old guard ’ in Munich on 8 November was not broadcast , for it was said that in the disappointment about the unfulfilled expectations from the Russian campaign many people ‘ had felt the need to hear the voice of the Führer again and to derive new strength from his words ’ .
22 Nick Cave surfaced at a time when post-punk 's handle on the workings of desire was diagrammatic and programmatic .
23 The Sino-Portuguese Joint Liaison Group , first convened in April 1988 [ see p. 36765 ] , held its fifth meeting in Lisbon , the Portuguese capital , on Aug. 1-2 , 1989 , when Macao 's participation in the International Maritime Organization and in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade were discussed .
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