Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [conj] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Life in Parma at the beginning of the school year seemed normal apart from the Fascist propaganda in the papers , but one began to sense that the members of the Party were becoming even more arrogant and domineering than before , and that it was increasingly important for people with different ideas to keep them to themselves and never to discuss politics .
2 We are now beginning to see that the beatitudes are like steps cut into a mountain .
3 However , Tess began to find that the cows which came to her usually happened to be her favourites .
4 Jess began to shake and the sobs she 'd encouraged broke out with fresh vigour and real conviction .
5 As she trudged awkwardly up the valley road her feet began to sweat and the toes rubbed painfully against each other .
6 After these conversations I began to wonder whether the Houys were right .
7 Of course , most of them thrive on it , but many people are beginning to wonder if the rewards for having power , and being able to influence others , are worth the costs , especially in terms of family relationships .
8 ‘ I 've no idea but I 'm beginning to wonder if the cops do n't have another idea .
9 Yet by now Battle Brothers were as mastiffs straining on the leash ; and it began to seem that the cadets might become Scouts in time to participate in the great endeavour , should they be so fortunate .
10 A feeling began to emerge that the advantages of the new approach might be long- rather than short-term , but the dichotomy between wanting to work in the new way because of its potential advantages and ‘ Are we ever going to get the syllabus done ? ’ continued to be problematic .
11 ‘ Even the Home Office is now beginning to question whether the Firearms Amendment Act , passed after the Hungerford incident , has helped secure public safety . ’
12 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
13 As he listened with mounting alarm he began to realise that the flames would almost certainly have reduced some of the world 's finest baroque woodcarving to lumps of featureless charcoal .
14 The wipers began to wheeze as the snowflakes built up into hard wedges of ice , and some of the men in the back were stamping feet on the floor of the van trying to improve their circulation .
15 Just after eleven , more people began to arrive as the pubs chucked out and so Dosh and I ( or maybe it was Freddie ) moved upstairs where we 'd found another front room which had been stripped of furniture and somebody had run a pair of extra speakers off the disco in the lounge .
16 Darwin was beginning to realise that the naturalists at the Zoological Society might need more information than he had provided in his notes .
17 At a certain point in the ceremony the rhythm of the weeping began to change and the tears were replaced by laughter and sometimes a kind of ecstatic , even erotic frenzy .
18 He also feared the growth of Aminis influence and began to think that the reforms his prime ministers proposed were too extensive .
19 We are beginning to think that the proceedings are expressly designed not to produce a verdict , and especially not a guilty one .
20 ‘ Oranges and Lemons ’ the bells began to ring as the worshippers arrived in their hats and gloves and Liberty scarves .
21 The slope down to Rock Creek began to steepen and the shops thinned out as they moved away from the centre .
22 By 1919 the number of soldiers began to decrease and the numbers of unemployed to increase .
23 Spurious preachers began to declare that the peasants were going about matters in a foolish way by sacrificing crippled infants .
24 And then I began to notice that the pictures on the walls were all prints of cavalry regiments , and a hatstand in a corner was n't really a hatstand but another empty shell case with a clutch of regimental flags standing in it .
25 Japan 's managers are beginning to notice that the politicians they have invested in no longer look so good outside their country ; on Russian aid and on international trade , they are always a step behind other rich countries .
26 However , in the investigators ' study of deaf mothers and their infants they have begun to see that the mothers create the crucial joint reference naturally but differently by altering their own sign language .
27 The face begins to swell and the eyes to protrude with the cough and then comes oedema between the eyelids and the eyebrows , even to the extent of a little water bag forming .
28 When the pot begins to boil and the bubbles rise quickly to the surface , it does n't take much to make it boil right over .
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