Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 There was a marked increase in enquiries during the quarter as signs of a recovery begin to appear in the UK housing market .
2 It might arise if one additional record were added to each group of consecutive records ; for example , a group of stores might begin to open on a Saturday , and require an extra record for each store to record transactions .
3 Official policies geared towards the black presence did , indeed , begin to emerge from the DES and some LEAs , often under prompting from agitated schools and head teachers who refused to admit more black pupils ( Grosvenor , 1991 ) .
4 That 's a relief — you were beginning to sound like a Jehovah 's Witness .
5 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
6 Farming began to flourish in the Lothian plains once the bogs had been cleared and fords or bridges provided over the network of rivers and streams .
7 E/3 all-metal cars began to appear on the Thornton Heath route 42 .
8 As the sun began to set behind the Qutab Minar , I made up my mind to explore sometime soon what was once the most enormous complex of fortifications in all Islam .
9 It aroused fury among the educated classes in Teheran , and it was never ratified ny the Majles , It was at this time that the same Iranian nationalists began to look to the United States for support against British exploitation .
10 ‘ My room is beginning to look like the Chelsea Flower Show .
11 At the end of 1989 liberal groups that supported Gorbachev 's reforms began to form within the CPSU .
12 I saw how the well-documented material containing the truth about Fayed that we began to put before the DTI was received in embarrassed silence .
13 The Tory vote began to seem like the Cheshire Cat that Alice came across in her travels .
14 By mid-1946 , serious alarm was being expressed within the USA about Soviet expansion in Europe ( coupled with the revelations from Canada of a Soviet atomic spy ring ) , and a tougher line began to emerge from the White House on foreign policy issues .
15 He began to run towards the Lock gates .
16 For him , life began to turn on a Sunday evening two weeks ago in his Bratislava prison cell after he had been pardoned by the country 's president , Mr Gustav Husak .
17 Soviet security forces began to withdraw from the Baltics , including the Vilnius television tower which had been occupied in January 1991 .
18 Another player came out of the wood and began to jog across the Paddock .
19 Through the Lafayette — and perhaps more particularly through the heroism of Victor Chapman at Verdun — there began to develop in the United States an appreciation and sympathy for the poilus themselves such as had never been provoked by any other battle .
20 When the Romans first began to expand into the Balkans in the third century BC , the area was inhabited by Thracian , Illyrian and Celtic tribes .
21 Henry III 's heart might , literally , be in Anjou , but ‘ by the end of his reign [ he ] was indisputably an English king and men were beginning to think of the Plantagenets as an English dynasty ’ .
22 One by one some of Europe 's more unfancied golfers began to eat into the U.S. lead , courtesy of some dreadful American blunders on the final hole which brought back memories of the match at Muirfield Village two years before .
23 Sighing deeply , Democratic pundits and brokers are beginning to rally to the Clinton flag .
24 Moreover , had he accepted an offer from the National Gallery , Mr Walsh would have abandoned the biggest museum construction project in the world , the $1 billion headquarters now beginning to rise on the Getty 's oceanside compound ( The Art Newspaper No. 12 , November 1991 , p. 4 ) .
25 It was that time of year when England began to prepare for the Guy Fawkes celebrations of 5 November .
26 Even in country areas , and in provincial towns like Middlemarch , largely untroubled by the growth of industry and the independent proletariat it generated , there are obvious reasons why the gulf between the two nations should have begun to open during the Regency .
27 Already the noises of complaint coming from Down Under have begun to register on the Richter Scale .
28 IT 'S AT times like this when one begins to wonder about The Franks & Walters .
29 As the two men climb aboard the ship , Garvey 's body begins to transform into a Varga — a half-animal , half-vegetable creature armed with poison thorns and covered with coarse , white hair .
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