Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] her [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She began to swim with her nervy , graceless stroke and Nick watched her sympathetically .
2 After suffering bulimia for 15 years she sought help because her children were beginning to comment on her abnormal eating habits .
3 Lan , for her part , hoped fervently that her innocence would be self-evident , and as she watched her prostrate grandfather 's lips moving soundlessly she began to phrase in her own mind the plea for leniency she intended to submit to the ancestral spirit .
4 Quickly stripping off her gown , which had become soaked again , she sat down by the fire and began to comb through her wet , tangled hair with her fingers , holding the strands to the blaze to dry .
5 And then marooned on her black flesh , two circles round her throat , and her chin pointing at the ceiling like the toe of a boot on a corpse , one arm bent backwards , nothing on except the slacks around her ankles , but no way in , at least none that he could find , and the cheap carpet burning his elbows and his knees , and sleep beginning to ooze from her ridged lips .
6 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
7 Although she did not even turn to look at him , a delicious warmth began to spread through her inert form — as though some electrical force was quietly pulsing across the few feet of water separating their bodies .
8 As they moved out onto the lough , the wind began to bite through her light dress , but she still stood , still waved .
9 The touch of his cool hands , now moving enticingly over her body in a voluptuous , slow caress , began to break through her trance-like state .
10 His hand was between her thighs , and his fingers played a sexy tune on her rapacious twat ; when the tips of his fingers began to dance on her sensitive clitoris , she could have screamed with delight .
11 It was n't until they were inside the dark hall , and Mark had taken off her coat and carefully hung it up , that shame and humiliation began to return to her numbed consciousness like the blood to her face .
12 And when something odd began to happen in her own body , a sensation she wished to call ugly because she had never felt it before and did not wish to feel it now with him , she released her temper again , thrashing about quite wildly beneath him to hurt herself and make the treacherous feeling go away .
13 Rubbing her lame leg , Shama began to speak in her slow , rolling voice .
14 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
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