Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When such a clear target has been voiced and accepted , ideas for units begin to flow at a rate which the technology and the programmer find difficult to cope with .
2 ‘ People get hooked , ’ he wrote , ‘ they begin to behave in a way that resembles addiction .
3 It might arise if one additional record were added to each group of consecutive records ; for example , a group of stores might begin to open on a Saturday , and require an extra record for each store to record transactions .
4 They saw him leave the room where they were sitting and begin to walk across a bar which lay between it and the entrance to the building .
5 The skull seems to become translucent , and within it — and in the flesh about it — knotted cords of white begin to form into a spiral which funnels back into a single thicker cord at the back of the skull .
6 Once this is done , Japan 's electronics companies will begin to compete in a market that is only just emerging — selling software packages for personal computers .
7 Now Hungarian poetry may begin to change towards a poetry which is more autonomous , more self-subsistent with its own themes and materials , not necessarily so directly structured by our political situation .
8 The Tories did not really begin to recover as a party until Sir William Wyndham 's accession to the leadership from about 1724 .
9 A patient may be so anxious that he can not begin to act in a way which would resolve his problems .
10 The tannoy on the Isle of Man boat gave occasional coughs , and tinny , inaudible announcements , but they did not begin to panic for a while .
11 You begin to feel like a boxer .
12 Once Paul 's cult began to crystallise as a religion in itself , rather than a form of Judaism , it dictated certain priorities which had not obtained in Jesus 's lifetime and which Jesus himself would unquestionably have deplored .
13 Another was the ā gri , sitting beside a petal-shaped oil lamp which he replenished as soon as the flame began to dwindle from a bowl on the hearth .
14 For a long moment their eyes remained locked in a fierce battle , until Ace 's image began to shimmer in a sort of haze in front of her , then , quite without warning , Kate passed out ; a great wave of blackness overwhelmed her , pushing all hurt and troubled feelings aside .
15 Her limbs trembled , her heart beginning to pound like a sledge-hammer at the note of hard determination in his voice , which betrayed no weakness or breathlessness , evidence — if she 'd needed it — of his superbly fit physique .
16 That 's a relief — you were beginning to sound like a Jehovah 's Witness .
17 ‘ My God , you 're beginning to sound like a wife .
18 You 're beginning to sound like a mother hen ; I half expect you to cluck at any minute . ’
19 He was the boss , after all , but he was beginning to sound like a slave-driver .
20 At this vow , which he had repeated to her so often it was beginning to sound like a mantra , Ashley frowned .
21 You 're beginning to sound like a pig . ’
22 It was beginning to sound like an inquisition .
23 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
24 Not long after acquiring Belle Vue Cottage she began to search for a piece of land in the Cotherstone area , preferably a fenced-i-meadow .
25 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
26 The Butcher grunted and began to rummage in a metal box .
27 However his teachers recognised his exceptional qualities and he was given junior teaching posts which enabled him to register at the University of Pennsylvania , where he obtained his Master 's degree and began to work towards a PhD , specialising in philosophy .
28 At fourteen he began to work as a postman at 2d. a round , one round each morning .
29 More seriously , the Soviet alliance system in Eastern Europe began to disappear as a series of popular revolutions overturned the communist governments in Poland , Hungary , Czechoslovakia , Romania and the GDR ( which became a part of Germany and thereby of NATO under the terms of a treaty signed by the two Germanies , France , Britain and the United States as well as the Soviet Union in September 1990 ) .
30 She then stood next to the telephone box , her stomach beginning to tighten in a way which was becoming sickeningly familiar .
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