Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [that] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now we can begin to see that an externalization of the superego like that which occurs in total welfare states is closely allied to the projection of the superego met with in paranoia .
2 But as they analyse what he has said to different people , they begin to see that the question is not really pertinent .
3 If the animal lived on the sea bottom , it seems unlikely that it would have eye lenses specialized for looking downwards , and we begin to suspect that the animal habitually dwelt above the sea floor .
4 For he must then begin to assume that the object under investigation has the same characteristics as himself .
5 Would n't that begin to ensure that the U K will be th in the premier league in the twenty first century ?
6 That is certain as people begin to understand that the valuation given to their property is not necessarily the actual property value .
7 I begin to believe that the House will clap itself to death one day .
8 The forward movement of the boat eventually turns the flies ; and it is generally just as the flies begin to turn that a fish will take .
9 As you become more experienced you will begin to appreciate that a coin can in fact sound slightly different when detected in varying types of ground .
10 Only when this phantasy is well on the way to realization as a practical mode of government does the citizen begin to notice that the state 's omnipresence means the total bureaucratization and control of life , that its omniscience dictates the need for total state surveillance , and that its omnipotence can only come about as a consequence of the total impotence of its subjects .
11 They begin to feel that the job is there so that they can earn a living , rather than that they are doing the job itself !
12 He began to see that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do .
13 I slowly began to realize that the Alexander Technique not only covers the physical body , but also the mental , the psychological , the emotional and even the spiritual … a sort of ‘ sorcerer 's stone ’ .
14 But scientists began to realize that the industry was giving birth to a serious pollution hazard .
15 Programmers began to realize that the effectiveness of their work depended not so much on the particular format they had adopted as on the disciplined care with which their work was planned and executed .
16 We began to realize that the period of greatest prosperity and rebuilding was after AD 380 .
17 Life in Parma at the beginning of the school year seemed normal apart from the Fascist propaganda in the papers , but one began to sense that the members of the Party were becoming even more arrogant and domineering than before , and that it was increasingly important for people with different ideas to keep them to themselves and never to discuss politics .
18 We are now beginning to see that the beatitudes are like steps cut into a mountain .
19 ( This plan was abandoned when rumours began to circulate that the castle was about to be taken over as a headquarters for Field Marshal Kesselring ; rumours which subsequently proved to have no basis in fact . )
20 However , Tess began to find that the cows which came to her usually happened to be her favourites .
21 He began to speculate that the ley was marked with hawthorns on the lower ground , pines on the higher ground , and that the double planting around the tumulus was to mark the changeover .
22 As a result , abattoir owners are beginning to speculate that the operating framework of the beef sector could swing overwhelmingly towards exports — as it is already doing with lamb .
23 Today some analysts ( Frisby 1985 ; see Chapter Five above ) are beginning to suggest that the place to look for formative conditions of paradigm change in the human sciences is instead in the aesthetic sphere .
24 Ironically , it was just as such images of contentment began to vanish that the taste for the picturesque caused the upper classes to fall in love with the idea of the cottage .
25 I began to imagine that the landlord , being about to emigrate , might murder us to get our money … ’ and claims that Johnson had entertained the same fears , although Johnson never mentions such thoughts .
26 This meant that an older social critique , whose pedigree went back hundreds of years , was expanded to take account of juvenile employment in such a manner as to make the critique more subtle , at least in the sense that some reformers began to suggest that the combination of juvenile psychology , conditions of labour and industrial training was influential far beyond the workplace and on a scale previously unrecognized .
27 Meanwhile he began to suspect that the Shipping Federation was buying up the union 's debts .
28 When market-makers began to suspect that the sales were on behalf of the Bank of Spain , the central bank apparently started to use other Spanish banks , which are believed to include Central Hispano , Bilbao Vizcaya ( BBV ) and Banesto .
29 And of course it was not until the eyes and nose began to discharge that the boy became worried and brought him to see me .
30 SIGNS are beginning to emerge that the survival of some firms of solicitors is being threatened by the collapse of the housing market .
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