Example sentences of "begin [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From the moment you accept a place at the University of Edinburgh you begin to benefit from the extensive range of services provided by the Students ' Association .
2 Now , however , I have grave misgivings as we begin to hear from the European Community more and more talk about a federal Europe and closer political integration .
3 Given a low-cost product which can do so much so quickly it was a inevitable that its use would begin to spread from the professional graphics market — for which it was predominantly designed — to the office market .
4 They turned , staying in the centre of Cheapside as the melting snow began to slide from the sloping tiled roofs .
5 The fighting groups overbalanced into the shallower water and continued struggling there , ignoring the arrows beginning to fall from the following ships of the line , swinging up , oars flashing to fill the breadth of the river .
6 With the primitive microclimate generators just beginning to emerge from the orbital factories of Domino Valparaiso , they woke the slumbering ecology and shook it rudely .
7 In 1950 there were 174 000 students at the universities just beginning to emerge from the painful post-war reconstructions .
8 And William began to run from the approaching cart , which was piled high with the bodies of the plague victims , and as he ran the streets became the familiar streets of his childhood and he knew that all the time he was running from the terrible cart he was getting closer and closer to the dark house by the railway embankment with its shuttered windows and its locked door , and that this was more terrible to him than anything in his history books .
9 Extra-parliamentary agitation began to shift from the unemployed movement to opposition to fascism , despite the fact that the unemployed demonstrations continued to attract popular attention .
10 Moreover , even when access to primary materials began to improve from the late 1950s and early 60s , the major contours of the liberal approach remained unchanged .
11 She began to tremble from the sheer sexual magnetism emanating from him .
12 A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building , and the bystanders were ordered to get well away .
13 It was only in 1742 , moreover , that the militia there began to recruit from the urban as well as the rural population .
14 Her head was beginning to throb from the smoky , claustrophobic atmosphere , and she wondered how she could tactfully drop a few hints about leaving without inviting a tirade of displeasure from André , which was the last thing she felt she could cope with .
15 At least a little more flexibility was beginning to emanate from the British Foreign Office over the question of the Suez base .
16 ‘ Many of our recent troubles in retaining and maintaining public confidence might have been less severe and more easily solved if we had not begun to depart from the traditional relationships between ranks , ’ he added .
17 Philippe Morillon , for Croatian regular forces to begin withdrawing from the self-proclaimed Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina as from Nov. 30 , there was no sign of a decrease in fighting .
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