Example sentences of "rather [subord] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a sad fact that most professionals do what interests them , rather than what most needs doing .
2 She wants to live with foster parents rather than her four brothers and sisters and mother .
3 Yet coupled with the seizure of Polish territory in 1772 it helped to emphasize Prussia 's affinities with her eastern rather than her western neighbours .
4 Throughout the pamphlet Hic Mulier seems to be in sympathy with this remark of Montaigne 's , but nowhere is her appropriation of the idea more challenging than in the way she dissolves both law and ideological fixity into a celebration of change and transformation , and , by implication , a celebration of her potential rather than her fixed nature : ‘ Nor do I in my delight of change otherwise than as the whole world does ’ ( sig .
5 It seemed to Harriet that Liza must have unburdened herself to Dr Forman rather than her own mother and somehow this increased her sense of resentment .
6 James constructed magnificent tombs for the two protagonists , Mary and Elizabeth , in Westminster Abbey ; and the more-or-less ‘ official ’ account by William Camden in his Annals ( 1615 ) emphasized Mary 's evil fortunes rather than her evil character .
7 Navratilova , who said she would definitely return to the circuit next year , said it would probably be her mental attitude rather than her physical ability that determines her future .
8 SCOTVEC 's Board has agreed that the local officers should now be known as Field Officers , rather than their former title of External Moderator , because the new title reflects much more faithfully the way in which their jobs have evolved over the five years of National Certificate 's life .
9 Staff should be trained to spot and interpret residents ' wishes from their behaviour rather than their spoken words if communication is difficult .
10 The majority of the discussion so far has been concerned with the assessment of children 's artistic rather than their aesthetic development .
11 to understand this so they may go to their immediate selfish interest rather than their long-term interest .
12 Manuscripts are usually sent to two or three reviewers , chosen for their expertise rather than their geographical location .
13 He suggests that their orientation is towards the perceived therapeutic needs of the patient rather than their legal rights .
14 In fact , the social democrats secured the compliance of workers rather than their zealous support , but that was enough to safeguard the Establishments of most of Europe .
15 They assessed life events using the Holmes and Rahe checklist which ranks events according to the life change involved rather than their negative implications , and therefore includes seemingly positive events such as marriage .
16 Thus , the activities of different Myc+Max dimers primarily reflect the equilibrium between Myc+Max and Max+Max complexes rather than their absolute efficiencies ( Fig. 2 ) .
17 The imminence of a Labour government may have persuaded some of the middle class to consult their interests rather than their tender consciences , and so return to the Tory fold .
18 This reinforces the view that what upset the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in Bromley v. GLC was , above all , the way in which the Labour majority went about implementing their election promises rather than their statutory powers to do so .
19 Ford believed , in fact , that putting colleges with the CNAA rather than their local university meant for students that ‘ academically they might as well take the train to London ’ .
20 Comparing Ohmann and Halliday as representatives of these two schools of thought , we can establish approximate correspondences as follows : OHMANN ( 1964 ) HALLIDAY ( 1970 ) ( A ) " content " ( A ) Ideational function ( phrase structure ) ( B ) " expression " ( B ) Textual function ( optional transformations ) ( C ) — ( C ) Interpersonal function ( The equivalences here are very approximate , and are based on what Ohmann and Halliday actually do in their analyses , rather than their theoretical positions .
21 Social relations rather than their cultural vestments have priority .
22 Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance .
23 As far as the first point is concerned , there is I believe a real appeal for many people , not least on Christian grounds , in arguing that the overriding need at present in the U K is for the government , the TUC and the CBI to sit around a table and talk , so that both corporations and unions will change their behaviour and act in the public interest rather than their own self-interest .
24 The church is using state money rather than their own money and it was felt that the church had become another agency of the state in this regard .
25 Their Lordships also upheld the trial judge 's refusal to allow the defendants to put any evidence before the jury about why they believed that nuclear weapons , rather than their own actions , were ‘ prejudicial to the safety … of the State ’ .
26 These often involve vowel sounds having their Creole rather than their expected London pronunciations .
27 The coins are legal tender but are traded for the value of the precious metal they contain , rather than their nominal face values .
28 The museum , set up in the 1780s by his great-great-great-grandmother Izabela , was the first didactically historical museum in Europe ( both the famous ‘ Lady with an Ermine ’ by Leonardo that starred in the National Gallery of Washington 's recent ‘ Circa 1492 ’ exhibition and the remarkable Rembrandt landscape were collected for their historical associations rather than their artistic merit ) .
29 The underlying shifts which Hoggett identifies make it easier to view the local authority as a ‘ manager ’ of service delivery rather than its actual administrator .
30 In Jane Austen 's novels a community is defined by a village , rather than its great house , where it is proper that the parson should assume responsibility for the cure of souls .
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