Example sentences of "rather [subord] [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 The proportion of responders achieving independence from parents rose with age and suggests that independence is delayed rather than prevented by the presence of cystic fibrosis .
2 She could still hear the pounding of the waves on the rocks below , but felt lulled rather than threatened by the muffled boom , accepting it as an inescapable sound on an island surrounded by the Atlantic ocean .
3 Athletes are summoned rather than invited by the promoter Andreas Bruger to perform under the blazing floodlights , and there is rarely a refusal .
4 With or without the complicity of the government statutory services are performing a very limited role , However , we must not underestimate the potential role of services as it seems highly likely that propensity of the informal sector is enhanced rather than diminished by the support of statutory agencies .
5 It is constructed rather than discovered by the historian .
6 Often , these strategies were invented by the pupils rather than taught by the teacher .
7 My presumption is that there is a suggestion that development would be facilitated rather than hindered by the removal of the greenbelt protection .
8 Almost exclusively inspired by the essence rather than seduced by the charm of this region .
9 Old age becomes something to be dreaded and endured rather than enjoyed by the individual .
10 In other words , the traditional division of unpaid labour in the home is being upheld rather than changed by the new scheme .
11 But he 'd stood up well to that first interview , hindered rather than helped by the presence of his solicitor , who had never seen his client before and had made it painfully apparent that he would prefer never to see him again .
12 It is arguable that the reader may actually be confused rather than helped by the deviation from convention , precisely because she or he is expecting you to conform to the rules of punctuation .
13 Indeed , the controversy raised in the fourteenth century over the authenticity of the Shroud has been revived rather than settled by the radiocarbon date .
14 His house in a respectable street in Balham smelt damp and cold , an effect enhanced rather than discouraged by the adopted English cosiness of the decoration : patterned carpets , patterned wallpaper , smoked-glass lampshades and brass knick-knacks on the walls .
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