Example sentences of "fact [that] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But with the housekeeper 's help — you remember Maria , the housekeeper ? — I pieced together the facts that he 'd met you , and within a week proposed and been accepted .
2 ‘ I have considered all the facts that you describe relating to the circumstances and they are substantially as in my officer 's report to me about the death .
3 In the light of the facts that I have set out , his conclusion that the Home Office decision is ’ ill-conceived ’ is a masterpiece of restrained understatement .
4 Sometimes one or other would misuse that privilege and perhaps shout more than was otherwise seemly , ‘ but the fact that we 'd grown up together meant we could have our rows and know that the next day one of us would apologise , and it would all be forgotten . ’
5 The fee income is beginning to build up again and we have no reason to assume that the offices will not revert to their historic profitability — apart from the fact that we 've lost insolvency and our Salisbury office . ’
6 It 's up to Social Services , and Social Services may choose , although I have got to say it 's unlikely , to register a children 's or an elderly person 's home despite the fact that we 've given advice that they should n't .
7 Could n't we just leave things as they are — enjoy the fact that we 've found each other ? ’
8 Could I also say one thing finally , and that is the fact that we 've tried to run together the alteration and the greenbelt local plan as concurrently er as possible , er it would appear that the timing erm is coming together reasonably satisfactorily erm in that we hope that the report from the greenbelt local plan enquiry , is not to er far distant , erm and we would expect , sir , that you will be reporting on the proceedings at this examination in public er in the not to distant future , well I think I did give an undertaking at the greenbelt local plan enquiry that the County Council , because the two are er interrelated to a degree , that I would expect the County Council would not wish to pursue either report er until er the other er is available , and that seems to the County Council to be entirely sensible , that the two reports , the structure plan alteration and the greenbelt local plan enquiry , erm should be looked at together .
9 There has been a balance Chair , and , and hence the fact that we 've knocked it off as an efficiency saving rather than as a reduction in service .
10 Yeah , I think , I have n't got details of that , but I think erm Ron has and also the fact that we 've taken remarks and .
11 But you 've probably noticed the ad count has risen considerably in recent months , due to the fact that we 've upped the pages to five and edited out some of the waffle ( which the waffler pays for , I might add ) in order to ensure that most ads make it into the desired issue .
12 So what we would do then is identify the fact that we 've come into the building and therefore alerted everybody that lo and behold down the corridor are coming police officers .
13 Er the fact that we 've had low unemployment rates is due er mainly to the fact that provision was made for employment er in past years , and we want to make provision now to ensure that unemployment is as low as possible in the future .
14 compensation package for V A T for pensioners will not compensate them in full as was promised , and in view of the fact that we 've had extremely cold weather for the last week .
15 Well anyway it 's something to bear in mind the fact that we 've got that list anyway .
16 In fact if we were n't doing it as a unison group we 'd probably do it ourselves anyway because of the fact that we 've got nine separate branches and we 'd want to have a bit of erm common , common strategy if you like between the branches anyway .
17 I think we 're gon na have , we 've all got and face the fact that we 've got ta give them increased union activity before the ballot .
18 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
19 And er , I like the fact that we 've got similar cottages down here , we 've got this one here , but similar ones there so there 's nothing in the picture which sort of erm detracts from that er very pretty , that little cottage .
20 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
21 The fact that we 've got partnership holders and sanctuary housing association , would seem to me that we 're quite likely to get relocation and we 've had all round the town at the moment , and you would have to agree that here is a very strong reason for , for the medical centre to be worried about the effect on the medical centre .
22 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
23 Well the fact that we 've got three there , there there that 's how many we got on that card and we were quite happy about that .
24 Erm I 've had a word with Kevin and he does recognize the fact that we 've got to get something .
25 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
26 But not this year , but because we found ourselves in a very embarrassing situation with the forty point limit and the fact that we 've got Hans Nielson on ten point three two which you know , is good in one respect , but it erm makes very difficult situations down the bottom end .
27 The fact that we like to mind our own business in many cases is no different to everyone else .
28 The fact that we had met Michael and Janet Roberts came up , and he was moved to explain that , with his growing acquaintanceship with the children of his friends — to several of whom he had become godfather — he had felt the need to adopt some sobriquet less solemn than Uncle .
29 ‘ The fact that we had to chase the game meant it was tailor-made for Spartak .
30 Not all of the women who took that decision were separatist by any means , but the fact that we had rejected men was not a gesture of feminism alone .
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