Example sentences of "fact [conj] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 He partly supported this belief by the fact that of the 3,700 books or articles listed in the two-volume Criminology Index ( Wolfgang , Figlio , and Thornberry 1975 ) which reviews theoretical and empirical work in criminology from 1945 to 1972 , there were only ninety-two , or about 2.5 per cent , dealing with white-collar or corporate crime .
2 But Aston Martin point to the fact that of the 12,000 of their cars built over 80 years , 9,000 are still on the road .
3 But I understand that we were n't black enough for that crowd , despite the fact that of the three people on stage [ Lester , DJ and Lindy — Norman was n't on stage ] only one was white . ’
4 ( g ) We do not know what the mother said to Miss T. , because she has not chosen to tell the court , but it appears to be the fact that on the two occasions when Miss T. raised the issue of blood transfusions , she did so suddenly and ‘ out of the blue ’ without any inquiry from hospital staff and immediately following occasions when she had been alone with her mother .
5 After three years of more or less benevolent autocracy , Valery Gergiev is happy with the facts about his Kirov company : the fact that for the 1989–90 season , very much against the malingering influence of Leningrad 's cultural bureaucrats and an army of silently disapproving critics , he headed straight for uncut Mussorgsky ( original Boris , Shostakovich- orchestrated Khovanshchina , Sorochinsky Fair , The Marriage , Salammbô ) ; and the fact that the following year , with the situation in newly-renamed St Petersburg worsening day by day , he set about four Prokofiev operas within a matter of months .
6 Is not it a fact that during the 13 years of this Government , 25 methods have been found to try to prove that unemployment is massively smaller than it is ?
7 The supply problem was further compounded by the fact that during the four years of war only 50,000 dwellings were added to the national stock .
8 If Labour Members wish regularly to employ international statistics on investment , they should bear in mind the fact that during the 1970s the average annual growth rate in business investment in the United Kingdom was 2.3 per cent. , against an average of 3.1 per cent .
9 Their assigned role is best exemplified by the fact that in the 1992 World Cup in Australia , the bowling side was afforded the advantage of two white new balls .
10 Irrespective of the decisions of the World Bank classifiers , however , it is an undeniable fact that in the 1990s most hitherto self-proclaimed socialist or communist countries are rapidly coming to an understanding with transnational capitalism , and that the scope and volume of the transnational practices of such states with the states and institutions of the capitalist system have increased dramatically in the last decade .
11 It is it is it 's a statement of fact that in the ten years preceding the time er when that comment was written , which was in the er mid-eightie mid-eighties , erm that had been the case , that 's absolutely true .
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