Example sentences of "before go on [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 George Smith , aided and abetted by Martin Crook , unearthed Big-Fin-Reef-Squid E5 6b on the left of Hyll Drem itself before going on to tackle the fins of rock between Primus and Burner , resulting in Of All the Bars in All the World , E6 6b ; apparently every other move involves a knee-bar , but probably only if you 're as tall as George — the rest of us should merely levitate .
2 By careful selection of topics from the content of the module , the student can be provided with the opportunity of exploring the usefulness and limitations of selected strategies to different types of problem before going on to tackle the formal investigation .
3 Before going on to examine the Franco-German relationship and the German Question in the next chapter , however , it is worth asking what it is about Britain that makes it so sensitive over national sovereignty .
4 Before going on to examine the more detailed contributions of Russian Formalism to specific areas of literary studies , it might be worth pausing to assess the Formalist position by comparing it with the assumptions which it had set out to replace , and which to a certain extent continue to inform ( albeit implicitly ) critical studies still being produced today .
5 So before going on to explain the origins of the London-based research , I shall give some background to the language situation in the Caribbean .
6 Dmitri had beaten Prean in the semi-finals of the Austrian Open on Sunday before going on to take the title .
7 Mr Crompton , awarded the OBE in 1962 , joined the RAF in 1942 and flew in India and Burma before going on to hold a number of RAF training positions .
8 But I recall Lord Darlington opening the discussions by formally welcoming the guests , before going on to outline the strong moral case for a relaxing of various aspects of the Versailles treaty , emphasizing the great suffering he had himself witnessed in Germany .
9 After a five day course on reach truck driving Derek scored an outstanding 85 per cent in the written test before going on to give a perfect display of driving for the examiners .
10 Before going on to analyse the kinds of blocking technique one might nevertheless use , I want to briefly explain what I mean by the terms ‘ open ’ and ‘ closed ’ sides when referring to a stance .
11 Since the questions of apprenticeship and pay lie at the heart of the problem , we should first examine the surviving evidence to discover how long an apprenticeship women actually served , and how much they were paid , before going on to analyse the re-organization of the work process .
12 She began a letter a month after their arrival with the words , ‘ Here we are in a large mansion , in a large park , with seventy head of deer around us ’ , before going on to describe a house which contained ‘ furniture enough for a dozen families like ours ’ .
13 Before going on to describe the basic features of these techniques , a few words are necessary about the general field of quantitative techniques .
14 The United States and New Zealand , the reigning world champions , will make especially strong challenges , the latter including Blyth Tait and Messiah , Badminton runners-up in 1990 before going on to win the individual world title .
15 Denmark , the country that likes to say no , ruffled more than a few egos when they said yes to becoming European Championship substitutes and drew with England in their opening game before going on to win the trophy .
16 For example , the pupils may learn about the principles of environmental control in class before going on to complete an assignment on some aspect of pollution , as happened in Bridge of Don Academy .
17 The principles for establishing lists of goals for fat reduction are similar to those for sugar reduction , namely , do the things that are easiest first ; use lots of small , easy steps ; spend about a week trying to behave according to that week 's goal ( and with all preceding ones being maintained ) before going on to add the next goal to your repertoire .
18 However , before going on to propose a test for semantic constituency , it might be useful to clarify the notion further in an informal way .
19 Before going on to discuss the reforms known as Project 2000 , it might be valuable to describe the recently introduced statutory framework for nursing , midwifery and health visiting as a background to the report .
20 Before going on to discuss the stylistic changes in the Cubism of Picasso and Braque during 1910 , it is necessary to interject a word about Picasso 's bronze Head , the most important early Cubist sculpture .
21 Before going on to discuss the characteristics of each market we set out in Table 6.3 the size of each of the markets that constitute the London money market .
22 It is not possible here to attempt to unravel the many strands of thought and practice that have historically influenced the contemporary curriculum in this way , but it may be useful to refer briefly to some of them before going on to consider the current pattern .
23 Before going on to consider the cases and some of the observations which the academic writers have made on section 1 , I should like to say something more about section 15 .
24 Before going on to consider the results of this survey , it is important to look at a number of methodological limitations which may well compromise some of its findings .
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