Example sentences of "during [art] [noun] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
2 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
3 During the Oxford Movement a translation of the Greek passages by J. H. Newman appeared as one of the Tracts for the Times , and a translation of those from the Latin by J. M. Neale was also published .
4 During the Habsburg period the territory inhabited by the Slovenes was divided into six administrative areas , all of which formed part of Austria .
5 During the campaign period the DPP had purposely been less strident in its controversial advocacy of Taiwanese independence .
6 Thus during the Tyndale affair the DES tended to keep its collective head below the parapet .
7 The presence of nitrates can be easily explained by the fact that human burials had taken place within the church : during the exploration programme a number of skeletons and well preserved human remains have been discovered .
8 During the preparation stage a list of satisfied customers , arranged by product type , should be drawn up .
9 During the midday meal the older children read edifying passages chosen by Nicholas from religious or secular history .
10 During the Tokugawa period the position of an individual was governed by the various groups of which he or she was a member , and this remained true in the post-Restoration years .
11 During the refurbishment programme the ledgers dating back to 1717 were taken into Archive Department 's collection where they will be looked after professionally , and many objets d'art were temporarily removed from the building for safe-keeping and restoration .
12 In addition to all this , during the holiday period a newly bought fifteen foot wide Axminster spool gripper loom was lifted in by a seventy ton crane , and now awaits assembly .
13 During the holiday season the head office reports on the clubs on a weekly basis , which means it needs 52 reporting periods .
14 During the election campaign the PCCh , which was not legalized , had announced on Nov. 9 , 1989 , that it would work for the victory of the presidential opposition candidate ; the former secretary-general of the PCCh , Luis Corvalán , who had returned to Chile on Oct. 12 after 13 years in exile , had made a similar declaration .
15 During the election campaign the party had asserted that the advanced welfare state was safe in its hands , but this promise quickly appeared to be a less than certain guarantee of the continuation of welfare programmes which in some cases had been in effect since the 1930s .
16 ( During the election campaign the opposition had criticized Iliescu and the government for not moving speedily enough towards genuine political and economic reform . )
17 During the elimination period the patients consumed a tolerated formula ( soy or protein hydrolysate ) or were given calcium supplementation .
18 In part , of course , the problem was simply that the Soviet archives were inaccessible to western scholars , while during the Stalin era the documents and memoirs published in the Soviet Union were sparse and manifestly tendentious .
19 Welsh mothers were in general more concerned to keep an infant warm , although during the research period the publicity concerning the link between sudden infant death and temperature increased awareness of temperature , some mothers using room thermometers .
20 Unfortunately during the photo session the light was behind her and made her cotton skirt seem see-through , revealing her legs to the world .
21 During the Vietnam War the public became hardened and accustomed to the horrific scenes on television .
22 During the evening paseo the atmosphere is more relaxed , but still quite formal .
23 During the evening disco a British lesbian stole a half-empty bottle of whisky from behind the bar , and was caught .
24 She and her brothers had always found the idea of ancestral spirits appearing during the Cia ceremony an awesome prospect , but her sense of unease had been greatly heightened on this occasion by the fear of unknown punishments that seemed certain to follow the incident involving her baby gibbon at the governor 's palace .
25 During the business session a report of the group meeting at Alton was read , with preliminary arrangements for the county fete to be held at Brockenhurst College in August .
26 During the Jubilee Year the University has decided to inject some resources into the association to develop it into a larger and more effective body , to enable graduates to keep in touch with the University and each other .
27 During the Gulf War the crews servicing Buccaneers at RAF ABingdon carried out the impossible ; servicing a plane in just 10 days instead of the usual 84 days by working round the clock .
28 During the Gulf War the company worked round the clock to maintain supplies to the forces .
29 During the duty period the solicitor has to be available all the time to provide advice over the telephone or at the police station , and receives a standby payment , up to half of which is deducted if advice is provided up to that level of work .
30 During the enforcement season the bumper crop will be burnt by the army .
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